Refusal of MOJ to release CCTV of alleged assault.
John Creser made this Official Information request to Minister of Justice
The request was successful.
From: John Creser
Dear Minister of Justice,
I am writing to request the following;
1) Why the Ministry of Justice advised the New Zealand Police that they held no CCTV footage from an alleged assault on Clare Milton O'Brien at the Court of Appeal around 5.15pm on 24/09/2013.
2)The identity of all the Ministry of Justice employees who reviewed the footage on 27/09/2013
3)That the Ministry of Justice advise whether or not this footage has been "expired or deleted" from their records.
Yours faithfully,
John Creser
From: J Collins (MIN)
Minister of Justice
Please see the attached in regard to your request.
Office of the Hon Judith Collins MP
Minister of Justice|Minister for ACC|Minister for Ethnic Affairs | MP for Papakura
Tel: +64 4 817 6806 | Fax: +64 4 817 6506 | | Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 Wellington 6160
From: hccorrespondence
Dear Mr Creser
Please find attached a response to your request under the Official
Information Act.
[1]Description: Description: Description: Higher Courts
Description: Correspondence
Ministry of Justice |
Tahu o te Ture
SX10088 | Thorndon |
Wellington | New
P: 04 918 8800 | F: 04
918 8820
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