Smartmatic collaboration with Democracy & Design projects in New Zealand
Ryan made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Department of Internal Affairs should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Ryan
Dear Department of Internal Affairs,
Can you please provide all information relating to communication and collaboration with the company known as Smartmatic, including but not limited to;
1) Any and all approaches and proposals from or to Smartmatic and or it's third party affiliates or contractors which include Dominion & all namesake affiliates.
2) Any and all approaches and or proposals from or to Smartmatic held by the Department of Internal Affairs in relation to the Electoral Commission or Catalyst Election Systems used in NZ since 2003 or third party affiliates in conjunction with Election systems utilised in both general & local elections
3) Please provide a full breakdown of all financial interests, both national and international held by the department of internal affairs in collaboration with the following campaigns, including but not limited to, government and affiliates, corporate sponsors, individuals, not for profit groups, companies, politically affiliated organisations and or academics that added meaningful contribution by way of material input and or donation;
3.1) Vote local NZ
3.2) On the fence
3.3) Generation Zero
4) Please provide information on any other campaigns authored or created by Democracy and Design that are documented within department of internal affairs in relation to general and local government elections including all associates and complete with the same corresponding information as requested herein.
From: Jessica Caldwell
Department of Internal Affairs
Dear Ryan,
Official Information Act 1982 response - OIA20/21-0450
Please find attached the Department of Internal Affairs’ response to your
17 February 2021 request under the Official Information Act 1982.
Jessica Caldwell (she / her)|Senior Policy Analyst
Ministerial, Monitoring, and Capability Group
Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua
Direct Dial: 04 495 9494 | Extn: 5494
45 Pipitea Street | PO Box 6011, Wellington 6140 | [1]
Visible links
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence