Return of my property that was handed into police which hasn't been given back
Shontel Downs made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police
Response to this request is long overdue. By law New Zealand Police should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Shontel Downs
Dear New Zealand Police,
I have made numerous emails calls texts and yet I hav had no luck in retrieving my property that nz police have in there custody
I was arrested on 26th may 2020 at the proximity apartments on amersham way in manukua... I was then sent to ARWCF which I was held in custody until the 24th June 2020 I was released from prison.
At the time of my arrest (26th may 2020) I was residing at proximity apartments where i was arrested inside of the room where the property which was handed to police was found, yet having been held in custody I was not able to make sure my belongings we're safe and put away as such.... As I was taken into custody from that day onwards...
Further to my release from prison 24th June 2020 I rang up proximity apartments regarding my belongings and all that was left in the room I was residing in where I was arrested & also the property that was handed into police was also found....
I was advised that proximity apartments had handed over my wallet which had my money in it to the MANUKau police station and they advised me of the reference # ( My refrence # is 20/cm/1581 cashbag 120 8167) that was given to them at the time of handing in the property to the nz police (MANUKAU) but advised me that my clothing and such items ( shampoos and toiletries) was still at proximity apartments and I was able to collect them when I was able to,
I questioned why was my wallet handed to police and only my wallet they advised me that they were not able to hold onto such items being money or legal tender.
Hence why the money was given into nz police
Since then I have made numerous emails and calls etc to retrieve my money that was handed into the police yet Ive had no outcome, other than a email stating that i was unable to determine ownership of property when I have given all correct details etc of this matter I've made emails since 24th June yet I haven't been deemed the nessacary help I should be given... Or better yet my property back !
Why am I being denied ownership when I have all the correct and nessacary information to this matter.
Please if you have any questions regarding this query please take note of the police reference I was given in regards to my property / this matter I'm trying to resolve
Refrence # is 20/cm/1581 cashbag 120 8167
Shontel Downs
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