Status of Memorial Plaque

N Manning made this Official Information request to Victoria University of Wellington

The request was successful.

From: N Manning

Dear Victoria University of Wellington,

I would like to request information regarding the memorial plaque that once stood in the Cotton Carpark, inscribed with the following:

"In Memorial

This plaque commemorates an oak tree that graced this site for forty years. It was
felled by the bureaucracy in December 1990 to make space for one more car."

I was hoping to find out what has happened to the plaque; was it destroyed in the development of the new Maru building, or was it removed for safekeeping (and if so, what is its new home)?

Yours faithfully,

Nathaniel Manning

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From: OIA Requests
Victoria University of Wellington

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Tçnâ koe Nathaniel


Please find the attached response to your request for information.


Ngâ mihi


Julia Marshall-Mead

Senior Advisor, Official Information and Privacy

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