Cost of Large Scale Asset Purchase (LSAP) vs direct purchase of NZ Govt bonds

Martin Taylor made this Official Information request to Reserve Bank of New Zealand

The request was refused by Reserve Bank of New Zealand.

From: Martin Taylor

Dear Reserve Bank of New Zealand,

With reference to newly-issued NZ Govt bonds purchased to date on the secondary market under the LSAP programme, can you advise the cost (actual or estimated) of purchasing bonds from the secondary market compared to purchasing those bonds at face value directly from Treasury.

For the purpose of clarifying my request, I am looking for the "margin" accruing to financial intermediaries that is incurred from purchasing bonds on the secondary market rather than directly from Treasury.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Martin Taylor

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From: RBNZ Info
Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Kia ora,


Thank you for contacting the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Te Pûtea Matua. 


Please note that this is an automatic reply. We have received your email
and we will aim to respond to you within five working days. In the
meantime, our website contains answers to [1]frequently asked questions.


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keep our financial system stable ensuring foreign exchange, debt and money
markets are operating efficiently and at low cost.


For more information on the range of initiatives we’ve got for New
Zealand’s economic recovery, please see the [2]COVID-19 response page on
our website.


Is your business financially affected by COVID-19?

To get more information on key COVID-19 business support packages and how
to access them, check out this [3]resource guide from The Treasury.


Firms we regulate

The Reserve Bank is the prudential regulator of banks, insurers, and
non-bank deposit takers (NBDTs).

·       [4]List of registered banks in New Zealand

·       [5]List of licensed insurers

·       [6]Register of licensed NBDTs


Complaints about banks, insurers, and NBDTs

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the first instance. You can also contact the [7]Banking Ombudsman, the
[8]Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman, or the [9]Financial Markets


Looking for information about the strength of the financial system?

Check out our [10]Bank Financial Strength Dashboard. You can also read our
regular assessments of the economy and the financial system:

·       [11]Monetary Policy Statement

·       [12]Financial Stability Report


Please note that the Reserve Bank is not authorised to give legal or
financial advice. Please contact a lawyer or a financial adviser instead.


Banknotes and Coins

·       [13]Returning old or damaged currency

·       [14]The Future of Cash

·       [15]Security and counterfeit detection

·       [16]Using images of currency  


We’ll be in touch as soon as possible.



Ngâ mihi

Reserve Bank of New Zealand | Te Pûtea Matua




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From: RBNZ Info
Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Dear Martin


Thank you for your official information request of 22 July 2020 for the


“With reference to newly-issued NZ Govt bonds purchased to date on the
secondary market under the LSAP programme, can you advise the cost (actual
or estimated) of purchasing bonds from the secondary market compared to
purchasing those bonds at face value directly from Treasury.


For the purpose of clarifying my request, I am looking for the "margin"
accruing to financial intermediaries that is incurred from purchasing
bonds on the secondary market rather than directly from Treasury.”


We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 19 August 2020, being 20 working days after the
day of your request. If we are unable to respond to your request by then,
we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.


Charges for providing official information and publishing responses

The Official Information Act allows charges to be imposed for the
preparation of information that we send in response to requests. The
Reserve Bank is resourced to meet disclosure obligations for a reasonable
level of requests and generally will not impose charges for small, simple
or infrequent requests. Where the request is for information that requires
substantial collation, research and preparation work, and is chargeable,
we will work with you first to refine the request to a smaller scale or
scope that is less likely to involve charges.


Responses to official information requests are published on the Reserve
Bank’s website. We will confirm in our decision letter to you whether we
intend to publish our response to your request.


Further information about charges and publishing responses is available on
our website at


Yours sincerely



Jessica Singleton

Communications and Engagement Administrator | Communications Department |
Reserve Bank of New Zealand | Te Pûtea Matua

2 The Terrace, Wellington 6011 | P O Box 2498, Wellington 6140

Email: [2][email address]  | [3]



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From: RBNZ Info
Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Attachment OIA20 049 Response to M Taylor.pdf
143K Download View as HTML

Good afternoon Martin,


Please find attached our response to your official information request of
22 July 2020.


Kind regards,


Tobias Vandenberg

Ministerial & OIA Adviser | Reserve Bank of New Zealand | Te Pūtea Matua

2 The Terrace, Wellington 6011 | P O Box 2498, Wellington 6140

DDI: + 64 4 474 8628

Email: [1][email address]  | [2]



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notify the sender immediately and delete this message from your system.

This message does not necessarily reflect the views of the
Reserve Bank of New Zealand. If the recipient has any concerns about
the content of this message they should seek alternative confirmation
from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand."



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Things to do with this request

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