NBS compliance of 116 Cuba street

Shiny made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council

The request was partially successful.

From: Shiny

Dear Wellington City Council,

The building at 116 Cuba street, Te Aro (corner of Cuba mall and Left bank) displays a notice that it complies with just one per cent of the NBS.

Please provide me with copies of documents detailing which 1% part of the standard it complies with.

The notice describes the building as 116 Cuba street, Te Aro. Wellington. Lot 1 DP 88146 and Units 301, 302, 304, 305, 306 DP 8845 and future development unit A DP 88455

As this is a public retail building in a high traffic pedestrian area of the CBD, this info should be released as it passes the public interest test

Yours faithfully,


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From: BUS: Assurance
Wellington City Council

Tēnā koe Brenda

Thank you for your email dated 22 June 2020 requesting information.

Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 which requires us to respond as soon as possible, but no later than 20 July 2020.

The reference number for your request is IRO-10134.

Please be aware that under Covid-19 Alert Level 2 many teams are still working remotely or working under different conditions, this may have an impact on the resources we have available to us, as a result this may mean that your request takes a little longer than usual. We will keep you informed of any delays and the reason for these should they affect your request.

Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Kind regards

Jessica Hall
Assurance Services Coordinator  | Wellington City Council | W Wellington.govt.nz | |

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From: BUS: Assurance
Wellington City Council

Attachment 23062020162322 0001.pdf
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Hello Brenda,
Thanks for your enquiry, submitted through the FYI.org.nz website,
concerning the %NBS status of a building in Cuba Street, Wellington. The
following should provide you with an explanation as to the notice you
witnessed on the building.
%NBS expresses the expected seismic performance of a building in
comparison to a new building, rather than that it complies with a specific
part of the code.
This building is currently earthquake-prone under the current legislation.
This status came as a result of an Initial Evaluation Process (IEP)
assessment which indicates the building achieves 1% NBS. The building has
been issued with an earthquake-prone building notice, which allows the
owner of the building until 15/6/2027 to either strengthen or demolish the
The notice requires that the building owner must either strengthen or
demolish the building or part of the building that causes it to be
earthquake-prone. The building can still be used and occupied for its
current lawful use prior to the notice expiring.
The Initial Evaluation Procedure (IEP) assessment was a very basic and
broad assessment carried out by engineers contracted to the Council.  They
visited the outside of the building to view the building in its environs
and may have reviewed drawings held on file.  Council initiated IEP’s were
carried out as a screening tool and should not be relied on by anyone for
any other purpose and a detailed engineering inspection and/ or
engineering calculations, may lead to a different result or seismic grade.
This particular assessment was a very early assessment, a result of 1%NBS
is unusual and would probably not occur in a later assessment.
We are in the process of reviewing notices such as this one, as we believe
given the two points above they may be more accurately represented if a
range of 0-15%NBS was used in line with the engineering guidelines. 
What earthquake prone means
A building, or part of a building, is earthquake prone if it will have its
ultimate capacity exceeded in a moderate earthquake, (achieve less than
34%NBS) and if it were to collapse, would do so in a way that is likely to
cause injury or death to persons in or near the building or on any other
property, or damage to any other property.
It is important to note that if a brand new building were built today it
should be designed to achieve at least 100%NBS. A building which is
100%NBS should be designed not to collapse in a design (larger) earthquake
so that people can egress the building safely. However the building may
not be usable after the earthquake – as we saw with the number of
demolitions post ChCh.
Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA)
We recommend a Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA) is obtained from a
suitably qualified structural engineer. A DSA includes some calculation
and/or computer analysis and should provide a more accurate indication of
the seismic performance of a building.  In some cases a building owner or
body corporate may have already received a DSA and may be available for
review. Parties should seek their own independent engineering advice
particularly for commercial purposes such as sale & purchase, lease
agreements and insurance, etc.
Attached is the IEP mentioned above.
Kind regards

Chris Brown | Assurance Advisor | Complaints & Information Assurance |
Wellington City Council
P 04 803 8368
E [1][email address] | W [2]Wellington.govt.nz | [3][IMG]|
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any information contained in it. If you have received this email in error,
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Things to do with this request

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