Methodology and regularity of HISF audits

William T Francis made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health

The request was successful.

From: William T Francis

Dear Ministry of Health,

This request is made under the Official Information Act 1982.

I refer to the Health Information Security Framework:

Please provide current documents and reports that detail the methodology and regularity of HISF audits that are conducted upon the following types of agencies:

1. New Zealand Public Service Agency

2. New Zealand State Sector Agency

3. New Zealand Health Agency

If no such audits are carried out, please provide explanation and/or justification as to why, with reference to the Health Information Privacy Code 1994.

Yours faithfully,

William T Francis

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Kia ora William

Thank you for your requests for official information received 7 May 2020

"Methodology and regularity of HISF audits
Please provide current documents and reports that detail the methodology
and regularity of HISF audits that are conducted upon the following types
of agencies:
1. New Zealand Public Service Agency
2. New Zealand State Sector Agency
3. New Zealand Health Agency
If no such audits are carried out, please provide explanation and/or
justification as to why, with reference to the Health Information Privacy
Code 1994.

Agency obligations for the holding and disclosure of medical and health
I refer to the Health Information Privacy Code 1994 and the Health
Information Security Framework:
Please compare and contrast the differences between the obligations and
legislative responsibilities that each of the following types of agencies
must adhere to when collecting, holding, disclosing, and sharing medical
and health information:
1. New Zealand Public Service Agency
2. New Zealand State Sector Agency
3. New Zealand Health Agency"

Please note, the Ministry has consolidated these two requests into a
single response in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Act.

The Ministry's reference number for your request is: H202003113.

As required under the Official Information Act 1982 we will endeavour to
respond to your request no later than 5 June 2020, being 20 working days
after the day your request was received.  

If we are unable to respond to your request within this time frame, we
will notify you of an extension of that time frame.

If you have any queries related to this request, please do not hesitate to
get in touch.

Please note, the Ministry has diverted significant resources to support
the Government's response to COVID-19. This may impact on our ability to
respond to your request. If you would like to reconsider or refine your
current request, this may enable us to respond more quickly. You can
notify us of any changes to your request by replying to this email.

Ngā mihi

OIA Services
Government Services
Office of the Director-General
Ministry of Health
E: [email address]

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attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
legal privilege.
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Kia ora William

Thank you for your request for official information, received on 7 May
2020 requesting:

        Methodology and regularity of HISF audits
       Please provide current documents and reports that detail the
methodology and regularity of HISF audits that are conducted upon the
following types of agencies:
       1. New Zealand Public Service Agency
       2. New Zealand State Sector Agency
       3. New Zealand Health Agency
       If no such audits are carried out, please provide explanation
and/or justification as to why, with reference to the Health Information
Privacy Code 1994.

       Agency obligations for the holding and disclosure of medical and
health information
       I refer to the Health Information Privacy Code 1994 and the Health
Information Security Framework:
       Please compare and contrast the differences between the obligations
and legislative responsibilities that each of the following types of
agencies must adhere to when collecting, holding, disclosing, and sharing
medical and health information:
       1. New Zealand Public Service Agency
       2. New Zealand State Sector Agency
       3. New Zealand Health Agency

The Ministry of Health has decided to extend the period of time available
to respond to your request under section 15A of the Official Information
Act 1982 (the Act) as further consultation is required.
You can now expect a response to your request on, or before, 30 June 2020

You have the right, under section 28 of the Act, to ask the Ombudsman to
review my decision to extend the time available to respond to your

Nga mihi

OIA Services
Government Services
Office of the Director-General
Ministry of Health
E: [email address]

Statement of confidentiality: This e-mail message and any accompanying
attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
legal privilege.
If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use, disseminate,
distribute or copy this message or attachments.
If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender
immediately and delete this message.


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Kia ora

Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.

Ngā mihi

OIA Services
Government Services
Office of the Director-General
Ministry of Health
E: [email address]

Statement of confidentiality: This e-mail message and any accompanying
attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
legal privilege.
If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use, disseminate,
distribute or copy this message or attachments.
If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender
immediately and delete this message.


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From: William T Francis

Dear Ministry of Health,

Thank you for confirming that the Ministry of Health does not conduct HISF audits on agencies.

Yours faithfully,

William T Francis

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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Health only: