Submission from MoH to Health Select Committee re Petition for Better Mental-Healthcare Choices
Campbell Larsen made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health did not have the information requested.
From: Campbell Larsen
Dear Ministry of Health,
Please release a copy of your submission to the Health Select Committee regarding the Petition for Better Mental Healthcare Choices in NZ (Petition Number 2011/66).
Yours faithfully,
Campbell Larsen
Ministry of Health
This email is to acknowledge receipt of your enquiry to our customer service team.
A response to your enquiry will be provided to you within 10 business days. If your enquiry is urgent, please contact us on 0800 855 066.
Please note our business hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.
Customer Service Representative
National Contact Centre
Ministry of Health
In response to:
Official Information Act request - Submission from MoH to Health Select Committee re Petition for Better Mental-Healthcare Choices
Campbell Larsen
OIA requests at MOH
23/08/2013 06:41 p.m.
Show Details
Dear Ministry of Health,
Please release a copy of your submission to the Health Select
Committee regarding the Petition for Better Mental Healthcare
Choices in NZ (Petition Number 2011/66).
Yours faithfully,
Campbell Larsen
This is an OIA request done via the FYI website.
Please do not send progress updates as PDF files.
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published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an OIA officer, please ask your
web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA page.
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Ministry of Health
Dear Mr Larsen
Thank you for your request for official information, received by the
Ministry of Health on 23 August 2013.
Your request has been received and logged. As required under the Official
Information Act 1982, the Ministry will respond to your request within 20
working days. You should receive a response on or before 20 September
If a large amount of information has been requested or if the Ministry
needs to consult in order to make a decision, we may need to extend this
date (this is provided for in section 15A of the Act). We will advise you
if such an extension is necessary.
The Ministry's reference number for your request is: H201303382
Government Relations
Corporate Services
Ministry of Health
[1]mailto:[email address]
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1. mailto:[email address]
Ministry of Health
Dear Mr Larsen
Please find attached a letter in response to your OIA request.
Hannah Coull
Senior Analyst: OIA and Privacy Act Co-ordinator
Government Relations
Corporate Services
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Campbell Larsen left an annotation ()
A link to the petition hosted on the site is here: The page contains a link to a Select Committee report which references the submission that I requested. You can download it here:
Link to this