Official Information Act request: I request copies of the Safety Studies that have been done to ENSURE 5G is safe for Humans, Insects and Wildlife alike

Lesley Jacobs made this Official Information request to Jacinda Ardern

The request was successful.

From: Lesley Jacobs

Dear Jacinda Ardern,

I respectfully request:

1. That ALL Safety Testing and Studies conducted on the 5G be made available to me.

2. If no such studies OR No Full Testing has occurred, I respectfully request that the roll out of 5G is HALTED until safety can be proven by an INDEPENDENT Committee chosen to assess the health effects.

3. The INDEPENDENT Committee will have NO relation to any Telecommunications companies Worldwide, and should be made up of Professionals, including but not limited to Scientists, Doctors and Environmentalists with NO AGENDA other than the well being of the people, flora and fauna of NZ.

We, the general public of NZ have NOT given consent for the roll out of 5G, and until safety tests have been carried out I do NOT give consent for this roll out.

5G is nothing like 3G. Or 4G.
This technology has the potential to wreck havoc.

Reports suggest that the harmful consequences of this radiation run deep, from psychological and neural effects, to permanent fertility damage. This is just for humans... then there's the destruction of our bees and wildlife - just the tip of an iceberg that could literally halt the growth of life as we know it on our planet.

I am concerned with the recent reaction of BRUSSELS to the roll out of 5G. Their Environmental Minister, Celine Fremault says :
“I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not.... we cannot leave anything to doubt.”

In EUROPE over 180 leading scientists and doctors have expressed their grave concerns for 5G, which will lead to a massive increase in involuntary exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

SWITZERLAND (Geneva) residents are reporting alarming levels of illness following the launch of 5G in 102 locations. One resident was advised that the 5G was switched on the very same day he experienced loud ringing in the ear, intense headaches, unbearable ear ache, insomnia, chest pain, fatigue etc

Our very own NIWA has expressed concern over the potential interference of 5G with their weather predicting equipment!! (Forced retraction occurred the next day 🤔🙄?)

LLOYDS of LONDON has quietly removed any cover from their Insurance Policies with respect to injuries / illness from 5g causes... What does that tell you? What do they KNOW that is being kept quiet?

Jacinda, as a nation, when we know something is intrinsically harmful to our people, our environment, our land, New Zealand is not afraid to say "NO". Nuclear power was one of those moments. That is our strength. That is what makes us stand out as a great nation.

What is the rush?
Why the hidden agenda?
Why the covert installations of cell towers?
... There is no rush, is there?
... Or is there? 🤔.

We don't need driverless cars or a fridge that orders OJ when we run out.

We Do need our people.
We Do need to slow this down
We need this to BENEFIT us all.
We DON'T need this to hurt us!

Please... STOP the roll out until we know we can confirm the safety of our people.

I look forward to receiving ALL the many Safety Studies proving there is no risk to the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders nationwide.

Thank you
Yours faithfully

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From: Rt. Hon Jacinda Ardern

Kia ora,


Thanks very much for taking the time to get in touch with Prime Minister
Jacinda Ardern.

We appreciate your email. Because of the large number of emails we
receive each day, you may not receive a response immediately.

While you are waiting for a reply, here's a list of links that may help
you find what you’re looking for:

[1]Beehive website

[2]The Prime Minister’s Facebook page

[3]The Prime Minister’s Twitter page

[4]Full list of Ministers


We hope one of the above links helps answer your question! In any case,
we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks again.

Authorised by Jacinda Ardern MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington



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From: Rt. Hon Jacinda Ardern

I am writing on behalf of the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, to acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act request.

Your request will be responded to under the provisions of the Official Information Act 1982.

Yours sincerely

Dinah Okeby
Office of the Prime Minister

Authorised by Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern MP, Parliament Buildings Wellington 6012

-----Original Message-----
From: Lesley Jacobs [mailto:[FOI #10882 email]]
Sent: Friday, 2 August 2019 11:03 PM
To: J Ardern (MIN) <[Jacinda Ardern request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Official Information Act request: I request copies of the Safety Studies that have been done to ENSURE 5G is safe for Humans, Insects and Wildlife alike

Dear Jacinda Ardern,

I respectfully request:

1. That ALL Safety Testing and Studies conducted on the 5G be made available to me.

2. If no such studies OR No Full Testing has occurred, I respectfully request that the roll out of 5G is HALTED until safety can be proven by an INDEPENDENT Committee chosen to assess the health effects.

3. The INDEPENDENT Committee will have NO relation to any Telecommunications companies Worldwide, and should be made up of Professionals, including but not limited to Scientists, Doctors and Environmentalists with NO AGENDA other than the well being of the people, flora and fauna of NZ.

We, the general public of NZ have NOT given consent for the roll out of 5G, and until safety tests have been carried out I do NOT give consent for this roll out.

5G is nothing like 3G. Or 4G.
This technology has the potential to wreck havoc.

Reports suggest that the harmful consequences of this radiation run deep, from psychological and neural effects, to permanent fertility damage. This is just for humans... then there's the destruction of our bees and wildlife - just the tip of an iceberg that could literally halt the growth of life as we know it on our planet.

I am concerned with the recent reaction of BRUSSELS to the roll out of 5G. Their Environmental Minister, Celine Fremault says :
“I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not.... we cannot leave anything to doubt.”

In EUROPE over 180 leading scientists and doctors have expressed their grave concerns for 5G, which will lead to a massive increase in involuntary exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

SWITZERLAND (Geneva) residents are reporting alarming levels of illness following the launch of 5G in 102 locations. One resident was advised that the 5G was switched on the very same day he experienced loud ringing in the ear, intense headaches, unbearable ear ache, insomnia, chest pain, fatigue etc

Our very own NIWA has expressed concern over the potential interference of 5G with their weather predicting equipment!! (Forced retraction occurred the next day 🤔🙄?)

LLOYDS of LONDON has quietly removed any cover from their Insurance Policies with respect to injuries / illness from 5g causes... What does that tell you? What do they KNOW that is being kept quiet?

Jacinda, as a nation, when we know something is intrinsically harmful to our people, our environment, our land, New Zealand is not afraid to say "NO". Nuclear power was one of those moments. That is our strength. That is what makes us stand out as a great nation.

What is the rush?
Why the hidden agenda?
Why the covert installations of cell towers?
... There is no rush, is there?
... Or is there? 🤔.

We don't need driverless cars or a fridge that orders OJ when we run out.

We Do need our people.
We Do need to slow this down
We need this to BENEFIT us all.
We DON'T need this to hurt us!

Please... STOP the roll out until we know we can confirm the safety of our people.

I look forward to receiving ALL the many Safety Studies proving there is no risk to the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders nationwide.

Thank you
Yours faithfully


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #10882 email]

Is [Jacinda Ardern request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Jacinda Ardern? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.



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From: Tabitha Spicer

Attachment image001.png
30K Download

Attachment image002.png
7K Download

Attachment 2019 08 13 Letter to Lesley Jacobs.pdf
96K Download View as HTML

Dear Lesley Jacobs


On behalf of Raj Nahna, I attach a letter in response to your request
received on 2 August 2019.


Yours sincerely


Tabitha Spicer

Private Secretary (Administration) │Office of the Prime Minister

DDI  : + 64 4 817 8700

Level 9 Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6011



The information contained in this email is intended for the named
recipient only.  It may contain privileged material or information in
confidence and if you are not the  intended recipient,  you must not copy,
distribute or take any action in reliance on it.  

If you have received this email in error please notify us immediately by
telephone (04 817-9732) or by return email.

Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Authorised by Jacinda Ardern MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington


Email disclaimer:

Please note information about meetings related to the Ministers’
portfolios will be proactively released (this does not include personal or
constituency matters). For each meeting in scope, the summary would list:
date, time (start and finish), brief description, location, who the
meeting was with, and the portfolio. If you attend a meeting with the
Minister on behalf of an organisation, the name of the organisation will
be released. If you are a senior staff member at an organisation, or meet
with the Minister in your personal capacity, your name may also be
released. The location of the meeting will be released, unless it is a
private residence. The proactive release will be consistent with the
provisions in the Official Information Act, including privacy
considerations. Under the Privacy Act 1993 you have the right to ask for a
copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to
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From: Katherine Halliburton

Attachment Signed response letter OIA 19 98 Lesley Jacobs.pdf
349K Download View as HTML

Dear Lesley,


On behalf of Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and
Digital Media, please find attached a response to your OIA request of 2
August 2019.


Yours sincerely,




Katherine Halliburton

Private Secretary (Communications)

Office of Hon Kris Faafoi

Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media.


Room 19R Bowen House | Private Bag 18 888|Parliament Buildings|Wellington



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Things to do with this request

Jacinda Ardern only: