We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are K. Manson please sign in and let everyone know.

Request for copies of all documentation relating to 34 Wellington Street, Christchurch

K. Manson made this Official Information request to Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for K. Manson to read recent responses and update the status.

From: K. Manson

Dear Earthquake Commission,

I am requesting copies of the complete files relating to 34 Wellington Street, Phillipstown, Christchurch 8011.

Yours faithfully,
Keli Manson

Link to this

From: EQC Info Mailbox

Attachment image001.png
59K Download

Dear Keli

Thank you for contacting The Earthquake Commission (EQC).

I confirm that your request for information has been received and
forwarded for the attention of the appropriate team.

You will receive a response to your request within 20 working days of 26
July 2019.

How to Contact Us

If you would like more information, please visit [1]www.eqc.govt.nz  or
phone 0800 DAMAGE (0800 326 243) between 7am-9pm Monday-Friday and 9am-5pm
on Saturday.


Remember to include your claim number or address when making enquiries.


Yours sincerely,

Patricia |Customer Service Consultant | Operations Group

Earthquake Commission | Kōmihana Rūwhenua

0800 DAMAGE | [2][EQC request email] | PO Box 311, Wellington 6140





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From: Official Information Act Requests

Attachment image001.jpg
8K Download

Dear Ms Manson


Information Request - 34 Wellington Street

Thank you for your request for information received on 26 July 2019.  You
requested that the Earthquake Commission (EQC) make available to you all
information held by EQC for your property at 34 Wellington Street.


Your request is being considered under the Official Information Act 1982. 
Due to the size of your request, an extension is required to process your
request, as a proper response cannot reasonably be made within the
original time limit (as per section 15A(1)(b) of the Official Information


You will receive a response by Friday, 30 August 2019.  I apologise for
any inconvenience.


You have the option of approaching the Office of the Ombudsman and/or
Privacy Commissioner should you wish.


Kind Regards,


Sam Blyth | Senior Official Information Act Advisor | Canterbury and
External Affairs

Earthquake Commission | Kōmihana Rūwhenua



[2]Description: Description: cid:image001.jpg@01D189A0.F72206B0


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Visible links
1. http://www.eqc.govt.nz/

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are K. Manson please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission only: