Number of Hired PGY1 House Officers (2014 - 2019)

Mohammed A M made this Official Information request to West Coast District Health Board

Response to this request is long overdue. By law West Coast District Health Board should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Mohammed A M

Dear West Coast District Health Board,

Based on the Official Information Act, Could you please provide me with
the followings:

- the total number of PGY 1 house officers positions filled in by ACE
matching system (2014 - 2019)

- the total number of PGY1 house officers positions filled in by NZREX
graduates (2014-2019)

- the total number of PGY1 house officers filled in by candidates from a
comparable healthcare system e.g. UK, Ireland, USA, etc (2014-2019).

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Mohammed A M

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From: Mohammed A M

Dear West Coast District Health Board,

Following on my previous OIA request regarding the number of hired PGY1 house officers (2014-2019), could you please provide me those numbers broken down by year?

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Mohammed A M

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From: Mohammed A M

Dear West Coast District Health Board,

This request is long overdue. Could you please respond ASAP.

Yours faithfully,

Mohammed A M

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Things to do with this request

West Coast District Health Board only: