National Disaster Resilience Strategy - animal submissiosn
Steve Glassey made this Official Information request to National Emergency Management Agency
Response to this request is long overdue. By law National Emergency Management Agency should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Steve Glassey
Dear Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management,
Could you please supply the following information:
1. Sector submissions to the recent National Disaster Resilience Strategy
2. Public submissions to the recent National Disaster Resilience Strategy
3. Any analysis of the submissions used to inform finalising the above strategy
4. Any other documents referring to "animals" from June 2018 to July 1 2019, relating to the strategy (and associated project), including correspondence internal and external.
It would appear that despite the overwhelming number of public submissions asking to have animals as a specific goal to be included in the national disaster resilience strategy, such expectations of citizens were not realised in the released strategy.
Yours faithfully,
Steve Glassey
From: Emergency Management [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
You have reached the general enquiries email at the Ministry of Civil
Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM). We will reply to you as soon as
we can. Thank you for your patience.
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· Local/regional enquiries, go to your [1]Regional Civil Defence
· Media enquiries 04 494 6951 (24/7)
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· Urgent enquiries not covered above that require a response in
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Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management
Te Rākau Whakamarumaru
Bowen House, Parliament Buildings, PO Box 5010, Wellington 6145, NZ
We are a business unit of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
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From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Kia ora Steve,
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 which was received on 3 July 2019, copied below. A response will be provided in accordance with the Act (please see the Office of the Ombudsman Website for more details -
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) may publish the response to your Official Information Act (OIA) request.
When you are provided with a response to this request, you will be informed about whether the response to your OIA request will be published. If DPMC does publish the response to your OIA request, personal information, including your name and contact details, will be removed. This publication process does not apply to extension letters or transfers.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [email address]
The information contained in this email message is for the attention of the intended recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or communication of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, copy or distribute this message or the information in it. If you have received this message in error, please destroy the email and notify the sender immediately.
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From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Dear Mr Glassey
Thank you for your request of 3 July 2019, copied below. To assist us in
preparing a response, we would like to confirm that we understand your
request correctly.
Can you please confirm that the submissions you are referring to in points
1 to 3 of your request are the submissions made to the Governance and
Administration Select Committee when they considered the National Disaster
Resilience Strategy?
Ngā mihi
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
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communication of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. If you
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From: Steve Glassey
Dear Information [DPMC],
I understand there was also a sector only consultation period prior as well.
If you can supply both (but separated to clarify which consultation round they were from) the sector and the select committee consultation rounds, that would be appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Glassey
From: Steve Glassey
Dear Information [DPMC],
It is my understanding there were two rounds of consultation. One internal to the CDEM sector, the other public following this via the Select Committee. If there were other rounds of consultation can you please advise.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Glassey
From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Tēnā koe,
Your email has been received by the Department of the Prime Minister and
This email address is monitored between 9am & 5pm, Monday to Friday
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Please note that DPMC is not able to respond to emails that are outside
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the appropriate Minister or Agency. To find out more about the functions
of DPMC please view our website - [6]
Ngā mihi,
DPMC Ministerial Services Team.
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From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Kia ora Steve,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][email address]
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From: Steve Glassey
Dear Sarah
Thank you for your reply. I look forward to the remaining information being supplied as mentioned.
For clarification, there was no sector consultation (i.e. with other government departments etc) prior to the two public consultation rounds?
Yours sincerely,
Steve Glassey
From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Kia ora Steve,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][email address]
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From: Steve Glassey
Dear Sarah,
With the 2016/17 engagement, these would have formed part of any analysis and/or consultation.
As per the original OIA, can you please supply information held from that process that pertains to animal welfare.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Glassey
From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Kia ora Steve,
Thank you for your email which was received on 9 August 2019, copied below. For the purpose of progressing your existing request(s) in a timely fashion, we have logged this as a separate request.
A response will be provided in accordance with the Act (please see the Office of the Ombudsman Website for more details -
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) may publish the response to your Official Information Act (OIA) request.
When you are provided with a response to this request, you will be informed about whether the response to your OIA request will be published. If DPMC does publish the response to your OIA request, personal information, including your name and contact details, will be removed. This publication process does not apply to extension letters or transfers.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [email address]
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From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Dear Mr Glassey
Please find attached a letter regarding your recent request to the
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Ministerial Coordinator
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][email address]
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From: Steve Glassey
Dear Information [DPMC],
Thank you for your email. I note the below
"In our search of records we identified two documents with information relevant to your request. We have decided to provide you an extract of a document at this point in time, and to provide context of how it relates to your request. Please let us know if you wish to receive further detail. "
As my original request did not ask for an extract, the supply of the full document should be supplied as part of the request, and please not treated as a separate or new request. Please supply "the document" in full please. In the spirit of the OIA, more rather than less should be supplied unless there are grounds for withholding.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Glassey
From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Tēnā koe,
Your email has been received by the Department of the Prime Minister and
This email address is monitored between 9am & 5pm, Monday to Friday
(excluding public holidays).
If your email is an Official Information Act submission it will be
formally acknowledged in the coming days and actioned accordingly. For
more information about the statutory OIA timeframes please see
- [1]
If your enquiry is regarding job opportunities within DPMC please see
- [2]
If you are writing about obtaining a New Zealand Visa please see
- [3]
If your correspondence is intended for the Prime Minister please email her
office at - [email address]
If you correspondence relates to the New Zealand Police you can contact
them via their website
- [4] or...
Please note that DPMC is not able to respond to emails that are outside
our purview. If we are unable to respond we will forward your email to
the appropriate Minister or Agency. To find out more about the functions
of DPMC please view our website - [6]
Ngā mihi,
DPMC Ministerial Services Team.
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From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Dear Mr Glassey,
Thank you for your email of 5 September 2019. Regarding the documents you
have requested, we intend to provide these to you alongside our response
to your original request for documents relating to animal welfare and the
National Disaster Resilience Strategy by Friday, 13 September.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][email address]
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From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Kia ora Steve,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][email address]
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From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Dear Mr Glassey
I am writing to provide an update on your request of 4 July 2019 for
information relating to animal welfare and the National Disaster
Resilience Strategy. As you know, we have been providing decisions on the
information captured by your request in a tranched release, to allow for
the review of a large volume of information. We now expect to be able to
provide the decision on the final tranche of the information you have
requested by the end of next week, 1 November 2019. We will also include a
link to the proactive release of submissions to the National Disaster and
Resilience Strategy, which we expect to publish early next week.
We appreciate your patience in the provision of this material to you.
Sarah Corbett
Manager, Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
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From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Kia ora Steve,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Please note that the release binder will come in three parts due to the
large volume being released – Part 1 of 3 attached.
Ngâ mihi,
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][email address]
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From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Kia ora Steve,
Please note that the release binder will come in three parts due to the
large volume being released – Part 2 of 3 attached.
Ngâ mihi,
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][email address]
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From: Information [DPMC] <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, 1 November 2019 2:26 PM
To: Steve Glassey <[FOI #10668 email]>
Subject: Your OIA Request - OIA-2019/20-0009
Kia ora Steve,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Please note that the release binder will come in three parts due to the
large volume being released – Part 1 of 3 attached.
Ngâ mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [3][email address]
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the intended recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or
communication of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. If you
are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, copy or distribute
this message or the information in it. If you have received this message
in error, please destroy the email and notify the sender immediately.
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3. mailto:[email address]
From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Kia ora Steve,
Please note that the release binder will come in three parts due to the
large volume being released – Part 3 of 3 attached.
Ngâ mihi,
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [1][email address]
The information contained in this email message is for the attention of
the intended recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or
communication of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. If you
are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, copy or distribute
this message or the information in it. If you have received this message
in error, please destroy the email and notify the sender immediately.
From: Information [DPMC] <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, 1 November 2019 2:28 PM
To: Steve Glassey <[FOI #10668 email]>
Subject: RE: Your OIA Request - OIA-2019/20-0009
Kia ora Steve,
Please note that the release binder will come in three parts due to the
large volume being released – Part 2 of 3 attached.
Ngâ mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [3][email address]
The information contained in this email message is for the attention of
the intended recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or
communication of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. If you
are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, copy or distribute
this message or the information in it. If you have received this message
in error, please destroy the email and notify the sender immediately.
From: Information [DPMC] <[5][email address]>
Sent: Friday, 1 November 2019 2:26 PM
To: Steve Glassey <[6][FOI #10668 email]>
Subject: Your OIA Request - OIA-2019/20-0009
Kia ora Steve,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Please note that the release binder will come in three parts due to the
large volume being released – Part 1 of 3 attached.
Ngâ mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [7][email address]
The information contained in this email message is for the attention of
the intended recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or
communication of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. If you
are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, copy or distribute
this message or the information in it. If you have received this message
in error, please destroy the email and notify the sender immediately.
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5. mailto:[email address]
6. mailto:[FOI #10668 email]
7. mailto:[email address]
From: Steve Glassey
Dear Information [DPMC],
Thank you for sending me the three binders. However, the download appears to fail (direct click or save target as). Could you please supply on DVD or USB these files, to me at PO Box 216, Wellington. Please let me know if you want me to supply a USB for such purposes (and the address you want it sent to if this is the case).
Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Glassey
From: Information [DPMC]
National Emergency Management Agency
Kia ora Steve,
We are sorry to hear that you haven't been able to download this material through the FYI website. Can you please contact us directly at [email address] and we can try emailing them to you directly at your personal email address?
If that too proves troublesome, we are happy to provide the documents to you in one of the mediums you have suggested.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Services
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
E [email address]
The information contained in this email message is for the attention of the intended recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or communication of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose, copy or distribute this message or the information in it. If you have received this message in error, please destroy the email and notify the sender immediately.
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From: Steve Glassey
Dear Information [DPMC],
Please find attached contact details so the information can be supplied to me, preferably via USB stick.
Yours sincerely,
Steve Glassey
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence