Land Transport

Jo made this Official Information request to Law Commission

The request was successful.

From: Jo

Dear Law Commission,

Do you hold any information about the Land Transport (Motor Vehicle Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2011? Specifically Section 7?

NZTA charges a full 12 months licensing fee when cancelling a registration in accordance with this law, citing Section 242.

It is hard to imagine the intention of parliament when they created this law was to sting people for a years "rego" when their vehicles were removed from the road.

Any submissions etc held on this piece of law would be greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Link to this

From: Louise Norton
Law Commission

Attachment LAC report Land Transport Amendment Bill No 4 164 1.pdf
19K Download View as HTML

Tçnâ koe Jo


Thank you for your request for official information, which we received on
4 July 2019.  You requested the following information from the Law


·         Whether we hold any information about section 7 of the Land
Transport (Motor Vehicle Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2011 in
relation to NZTA charging a full 12 months licensing fee when cancelling a
registration, in accordance with section 242 of the Land Transport Act


The Law Commission has never undertaken a project reviewing transport law,
but we have sometimes provided advice to the Government on transport
matters due to our past involvement with the former Legislation Advisory
Committee (LAC) and the former Legislation Design Committee. However, the
Law Commission has not considered or provided advice on clause 7 of the
2011 Regulations.


Section 242 of the Act was inserted on 1 May 2011 by section 32(5) of the
[1]Land Transport Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 17). This enacted the
[2]Land Transport Amendment Bill (No 4) 2007 No 164. The Law Commission
provided a report to the LAC on this Bill. While we didn’t discuss section
242 specifically, we do discuss motor vehicle registraton and licensing. I
have attached our report for your interest.


This is the only information the Law Commission holds in relation to your


Nâku iti noa, nâ


Louise Norton | Information Adviser

Phone 04 914 4843

Email [3][email address] OR [4][email address]

Level 9, Solnet House, 70 The Terrace | PO Box 2590 | Wellington

Hours: Mon/Tue 9.30am – 5pm, Wed/Thu 9.30am – 2pm



-----Original Message-----

From: Jo [[5]mailto:[FYI request #10664 email]]

Sent: Wednesday, 3 July 2019 3:06 a.m.


Subject: Official Information request - Land Transport


Dear Law Commission,


Do you hold any information about the Land Transport (Motor Vehicle
Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2011? Specifically Section 7?


NZTA charges a full 12 months licensing fee when cancelling a registration
in accordance with this law, citing Section 242.


It is hard to imagine the intention of parliament when they created this
law was to sting people for a years "rego" when their vehicles were
removed from the road.


Any submissions etc held on this piece of law would be greatly


Yours faithfully,






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