Assaults against nursing staff from 2013-2018
Siobhan Lehnhard made this Official Information request to Taranaki District Health Board
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Siobhan Lehnhard to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Siobhan Lehnhard
Dear Taranaki District Health Board,
Please supply the following information under the [Official Information Act (OIA) / Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA)]:
The total number of assaults against nurses by members of the public from 2013-2018.
How many assaults against nurses by members of the public, broken down by each year from 2013-2018.
So (x) total for 2013-2018
(x) total for 2013
(x) total for 2014
(x) total for 2015
(x) total for 2016
(x) total for 2017
(x) total for 2018
If you need any more information from me please let me know as soon as possible.
I understand that a decision on a request for information under the [OIA/LGOIMA] should be made within 20 working days of receiving that request.
Yours faithfully,
Siobhan Lehnhard
From: Jenny McLennan [TDHB]
Taranaki District Health Board
Good Morning Siobhan - Just a quick note to confirm that you can expect to receive a response to your OIA request on or before 20 May 2019.
Can you please confirm that by the term 'members of the public' that you mean: patients family and friends, visitors, contractors ie anyone on our site?
Jenny McLennan
Personal Assistant to
Rosemary Clements
Chief Executive
06 753 7781
027 3444 214
[email address]
Taranaki District Health Board, David Street, Private Bag 2016, New Plymouth 4342
Taranaki Together, a Healthy Community Taranaki Whanui He Rohe Oranga
show quoted sections
From: Siobhan Lehnhard
Dear Jenny McLennan [TDHB],
Hi Jenny! Thank you for your prompt response. To clarify, yes by members of the public I mean assaults against nursing staff by anyone other than another staff member (so patients, family, visitors, etc.).
Hope that helps!
Yours sincerely,
Siobhan Lehnhard
From: Jenny McLennan [TDHB]
Taranaki District Health Board
Good Morning Siobhan – Please find attached the response from Taranaki DHB
to your recent OIA request.
Jenny McLennan
Personal Assistant to
Rosemary Clements
Chief Executive
T 06 753 7781
M 027 3444 214
E [1][email address]
W [2]
Taranaki District Health Board, David Street, Private Bag 2016, New
Plymouth 4342
Taranaki Together, a Healthy Community Taranaki Whanui He Rohe Oranga
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