Palmerston North City Council
A public authority
54 requests
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Manawatu Pedestrian Cycle Bridge - role of Commercial Private Companies (see below)
Response by Palmerston North City Council to Iola Haggarty on .
Awaiting classification.
Hello Iola,
Apologies for not having this placed on the website and not sent to you
via email. That was an omission from the staff who responded...
Please disclose the amount of interest paid by PNCC on all borrowing/loans for the past 10 years
Response by Palmerston North City Council to Martin Egan on .
Partially successful.
The total interest paid on all Council loans (including swap receipts and
payments) for the past 10 years is shown below. Given the structure of
Can PNCC disclose the number of staff (FTE's) in their organisation as of 31st December 2015 and also gross salary/wage costs in the last accounting year.
Response by Palmerston North City Council to Martin Egan on .
Good afternoon Martin
Further to your LGOIMA request, please see below response
Total number of staff - full time equivalents, employed by...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Palmerston North City Council to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex,
In reference to your LGOIMA request for information relating to
video/audio surveillance for dog control purposes I can confirm that...
Register of gifts
Response by Palmerston North City Council to Lorna Johnson on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Lorna,
Thank you for your further email dated 12 December 2014
We have reviewed the information previously provided to you,...
Number of Council staff earning less than $18.40 an hour
Response by Palmerston North City Council to Alex Harris on .
Hi Alex,
The number of staff employed during the 2012/13 financial year who earned
less than $18.40 whilst employed was 168. Of these 34 were n...
Dear Alecia
Here is PNCC response to your OIA request regarding burial plots.
I would like to know how many deceased individuals have been...
Afternoon Mr Fraser,
Please find attached further a letter of response to your original request
for information.
Note: We have tried to contact yo...
Does the Palmerston North City Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Palmerston North City Council to Alex Harris on .
To: Alex Harris
Response to your request is attached.
Kind regards
TRACEY NIELSEN l Governance & Support Team Leader
Palmerston No...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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