Otago Regional Council

A public authority

34 requests

(page 2)

Penalties for bus operators
Response by Otago Regional Council to S L Dreys on .
Dear Simon Thank you for your email. Public Transport contracts between Otago Regional Council and transport operators provide mechanisms for Council...
Hi Karen This site was visited in November 2017 after a complaint was received. One of our investigators went on site and determined that no breach of...
New Ticketing System Rollout Timeframe
Response by Otago Regional Council to Aaron Rumpler on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Dear Aaron,   Please find responses to your information request below in red.   Kind regards     [1]cid:image003.png@01D24966.D4577940...
Dear Blake We advise the google transit file is now on Council’s website. The file can now be accessed on: http://www.orc.govt.nz/Utils/Terms-and-Co...
Dear Matthew Thank you for your email. Our response is set out below. Regards Peter
Funding of public transport concessions
Response by Otago Regional Council to Daniel Farrell on .
Dear Mr Farrell,   My apologies for the delay in responding to your request.   "Dear Otago Regional Council,   I am after information regar...
GoCard card information
Request to Otago Regional Council by Indy Griffiths. Annotated by Luke C on .
Their response isn't comprehensive or particularly explanative and its brevity only barely just meets a level of adequacy to answer your points. A long...
Request sent to Otago Regional Council by Sam Fraser on .
Long overdue.
Sir/Madam, Under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act I request the following information: A list of all positions (job title...
Thank you for your Official Information Act request dated 3 May 2012 asking if this Council opens its meetings with a prayer.   The Otago Regional...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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