Office of the Ombudsman

A public authority

The Office of the Ombudsman is not subject to the OIA. However, it is included here to assist in making requests of it. Be sure to acknowledge that this is not an OIA request in the body of your request.

30 requests

(page 2)

Time taken to alocate complaints
Request to Office of the Ombudsman by James Lochead. Annotated by Liam on .
Long overdue.
How ironic that this question about delays is delayed by up to two years...
Security clearances
Request sent to Office of the Ombudsman by Catherine Batt on .
Long overdue.
Why does an applicant need to be able to obtain a security clearance to be an investigator? For example,
Thank you for your email requesting “Who is the person/individual that handed Mr Cameron Slater, or better known as 'Whale Oil' the un-redacted sprea...
What do you mean by safety? Perhaps you need to reword the request. If you want to know how ACC insures that it's Assessors (Medical or otherwise) a...
Your Policy in Handling Immigration Complaints
Response by Office of the Ombudsman to Frank Deliu on .
Partially successful.
Dear Dr Deliu Thank you for your email of 27 November 2010. Please note that the Office of the Ombudsmen is not subject to the Official Informatio...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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