Office of the Controller and Auditor-General

A public authority

17 requests
Tçnâ koe Chris   Thank you for your email of 22 January 2024.   In the first instance, this information can be requested under the Official In...
Tçnâ koe Ms McKirdy   Thank you for your enquiry, and for your patience as we have looked into your request. We considered your request alongside...
Dear Mr Keidel Thank you for your email, which you refer to as an official information request. Please note that the Official Information Act does not...
Dear Mr Lee,   Please find attached letter on behalf of Linda Edwards, Solicitor.   Kind regards, Shelley   Shelley Dobson Personal Assi...
Dear Thai Quoc Khanh Thank you for your request. I apologise for the delay in responding. 1. District Health Boards (DHBs) organise their spending in...
Dear S Curtis   Thank you for your emails on 21 June and 28 July 2017, seeking information about the audits of funds under the control of the lead...
Dear Ms Haden   I have been in touch with the Office of the Clerk over at Parliament. Our briefing should be publicly available at the bottom of thi...
Dear David,   For both audits, ACC accepted the opportunity to comment on our summary of findings and draft reports, as per our normal process for...
Kia ora Ben, Thank you for your query. Auckland Council and Audit New Zealand's correspondence is part of an ongoing audit process. On 18 December an...
Dear Ms Hider Thank you for your email of 31 August 2012. You have requested the following information from the Office of the Auditor-General: 1. how...

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