(page 5)
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Tēnā koe Wendy,
On behalf of Wido van Wijf, Acting Director Strategy and Insights, please
find attached a response for your request.
Ngā m...
URGENT Request of copy of information provided to publication animal welfare in New Zealand
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Grace Haden on .
Tēnā koe Grace,
On behalf of Gary Orr, Director Compliance Services, please find attached
a response to your Official Information Act request....
Auxiliary Officers and Inspectors
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John,
On behalf of Gary Orr, Director Compliance Services, please find attached
a response to your Official Information Act request....
PGP scheme funding claimed by the Marbled Grass-Fed beef programme in respect of the UAE
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Brendon Barnes on .
Good Evening Mr Barnes,
Please find attached a response to your OIA request on behalf of Justine
Gilliland, Director Investment Programmes.
Approved Organisations conflict of interest RNZSPCA
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Grace Haden on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Grace,
On behalf of Gary Orr, Director Compliance Services, please find attached
a response to your recent Official Information Act req...
What action is being taken to protect NZ farms from CWD
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to R McLeod on .
Tēnā koe Robert
On behalf of Wendy McDonald, Acting Director Diagnostic & Surveillance
Services, please find attached a response to your request...
Communications with the Behavioural Insights Team (NZ, UK).
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Victoria Muninn on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Victoria,
On behalf of Michelle Morehu, Director Government Services , please find
attached a response to your Official Information Act...
Alternative Tree Species
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Mark Edmond on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Mark
On behalf of Antonia Reid, Director Data Insights & Forestry Policy,
please find attached a response to your request.
Ngā mi...
Summary data of 2019 Orion Aerial Observations for fisheries compliance
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Stephanie Borrelle on .
Tēnā koe Dr Stephanie Borrelle,
On behalf of Gary Orr, Director Compliance, please find attached a
response for your request.
Ngā mihi
Maori Fisheries Act allocations
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Lilian Harley on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Lilian
On behalf of Judith MacDonald, Acting Director Fisheries & Aquaculture
Treaty Partnerships, please find attached the response to...
Copy of Data Sharing MOU’s
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Shane Gibson on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Shane,
On behalf of Paul Lovett, Director Business Technology & Information
Services, please find attached the response to your request...
Scope of correspondence regarding Codex Alimentarius
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe T. Benseman
On behalf of Philip Houlding, Director International Policy, please find
the response to your Official Information Act requ...
Summary data of 2019 Orion Aerial Observations for fisheries compliance
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Stephanie Borrelle on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting the Official Information Act Inbox at the
Ministry for Primary Industries.
If you have requested information under the...
National Animal Welfare Advisory committee
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John
On behalf of Carolyn Guy, Acting Director Animal Health & Welfare, please
find attached a response to your request.
Ngā mihi...
Outcomes of reviews into Public Affairs
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to M. Rowe on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe James
On behalf of Catherine Taylor, Director Human Resources, please find
attached a response to your request.
Ngā mihi
Tçnâ koe Gabe,
On behalf of Rebecca Blowes, Director Fisheries Science and Information please see attached the response to your OIA request.
Ngâ mi...
Animal Welfare institute of New Zealand & MPI contracting to fictional entities
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Grace Haden on .
Tēnā koe Grace,
On behalf of Michelle Morehu, Director Government Services, please find
attached a response to your request.
Ngā mihi
Power of a Quarantine/Bio-security officer
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Mike Hunua on .
Tēnā koe Mike,
On behalf of Steve Gilbert, Central/South Regional Commissioner, please
find attached a response to your request.
Ngā mihi...
Extract of data from OIA Tracking System
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Shane Gibson on .
Kia ora Shane
On behalf of Michelle Morehu, Director Government Services, please find attached the response to your request for information.
Ngā mih...
Documentation regarding ramifications of decrease in Radiata Pine quality
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Edward Grove on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Edward
On behalf of Geoff King, Acting Director, Data Insights and Forestry
Policy, please find attached a response to your request....
Tēnā koe Grace
On behalf of Gary Orr, Director Compliance Services, please find the
response to your official information act request attached....
Data Science Vendors - MPI
Follow up sent to Ministry for Primary Industries by Andrew Chen on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koutou katoa,
Thank you very much for providing this response. I appreciate the time and effort it takes to respond to OIA requests, and that som...
request for Documentation with regards to warranting of inspectors
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Grace Haden on .
Tēnā koe Grace
On behalf of Gary Orr, Director Compliance Services, please find the
response to your official information act request attached....
Funding to help plant one billion trees - OIA act request
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John
Please see below and attached for a response to your request for Official
Information of 31 August 2020.
It was brought to o...
Review panel appointed as Overseer improvements continue- OIA
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to john luke on .
Dear John
On behalf of Henry Weston, Director Forest Development, Grants and
Partnerships, please find attached the response to your request for...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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