David Seymour
A minister of the Crown or a Parliamentary Under-Secretary
Portfolios and other responsibilities:
- Minister for Regulation;
- Associate Minister of Education;
- Associate Minister of Finance;
- Associate Minister of Health;
- Associate Minister of Justice.
This person has multiple portfolios. When making a request, we recommend noting which portfolios your request is about.
Portfolios and responsibilities previously held:
- Associate Minister of Education (Partnership Schools);
- Associate Minister of Health (Pharmac);
- Associate Minister of Justice (Treaty Principles Bill).
42 requests
(page 2)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Dear A Mark,
This office holds none of the information you have requested and has been refused on that basis.
You have the right to seek an investiga...
20 working days to decide Mr Seymour was speaking on the economy as the ACT leader not as Associate Minister of Finance!
Dear Alice
Please find attached response to your OIA request of 11 July 2024.
Kind regards, Annette
Annette Gratkowski | Private Secr...
Ministerial understanding of hummus and grain-based foodstuffs
Response by David Seymour to K Anthony on .
Information not held.
Dear K Anthony
Only information held by David in his official capacity as a Minister of the Crown is official information, and this does not include i...
Dear C John F (Corey)
Please find attached letter from Hon David Seymour in response to your OIA
request dated 7 February.
Kind regards, A...
Dear Michael
Please find attached response to your OIA request of 14 May. We apologise for the delay.
Kind regards,
Liam Collett| Private Secretary...
Dear Andrew
Please find attached response to your OIA request of 10 June 2024.
Kind regards, Annette
Annette Gratkowski | Private Sec...
Decision to delay Pump and CGM Funding for T1 Diabetics
Response by David Seymour to Fiona Smith on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Fiona
Please find attached response to your OIA request of 29 May.
Kind regards, Annette
Annette Gratkowski | Private Secretary...
Dear Partick
Only information held by David in his official capacity as a Minister of the Crown is official information, and this does not include inf...
Dear Levi
Further to my acknowledgment below;
On behalf of Hon David Seymour, your request is refused under section
18(e) of the OIA becau...
Dear Sam
Please find attached letter from Hon David Seymour in response to your OIA
request dated 19 January 2024.
Kind regards, Annette...
Letter from Hon Nicola Willis, Minister of Finance, attached.
Private Secretary | Office of Hon Nicola Willis
Minister of Finance | Minister fo...
Dear Jacob
Please find attached letter from Hon David Seymour in response to your
request dated 19 January 2024.
Kind regards, Annette
Please note this is an automatically generated email.
Thank you for taking the time to contact Hon David Seymour. While David
considers all correspo...
Dear T Murray
Please find attached letter from Hon David Seymour in response to your OIA
request dated 18 December.
Kind regards, Annette...
All correspondence with the Atlas Network, Hobson's Pledge and the Taxpayers' Union since 27 November 2023
Response by David Seymour to Gus M on .
Information not held.
Dear Gus
Further to my acknowledgment below, please find attached letter from Hon
David Seymour regarding your OIA request dated 9 February 2024...
Dear Ms Anderson
Thank you for your Official Information request.
The Leader of the ACT Party is not subject to the Official Information
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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