Public authorities

Found 30 public authorities in the category ‘Ministers’

Andrew Bayly Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for ACC; Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. This person has multiple portfolios. When...
4 requests made.
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Andrew Hoggard Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Biosecurity; Minister for Food Safety; Associate Minister of Agriculture; Associate Minister...
10 requests made.
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Brooke van Velden Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of Internal Affairs; Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety. This person has multiple portfolio...
19 requests made.
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Casey Costello Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of Customs; Minister for Seniors; Associate Minister of Health; Associate Minister of Immigration; Ass...
21 requests made.
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Chris Bishop Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of Housing; Minister for Infrastructure; Minister Responsible for RMA Reform; Minister of Transpo...
43 requests made.
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Chris Penk Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Building and Construction; Minister for Land Information; Minister for Small Business and Manu...
12 requests made.
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Christopher Luxon Portfolios and other responsibilities: Prime Minister; Minister for National Security and Intelligence; Minister Responsible for Ministerial Servi...
87 requests made.
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David Seymour Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Regulation; Associate Minister of Education; Associate Minister of Finance; Associate Ministe...
42 requests made.
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Erica Stanford Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of Education; Minister of Immigration, Lead Coordination Minister for the Government’s Response to...
33 requests made.
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James Meager Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Hunting and Fishing; Minister for Youth; Minister for the South Island; Associate Minister of...
1 request made.
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Jenny Marcroft Portfolios and other responsibilities: Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister for Media and Communications; Minister for Oceans and Fishe...
1 request made.
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Judith Collins Portfolios and other responsibilities: Attorney-General; Minister of Defence; Minister for Digitising Government; Minister for the Public Service...
33 requests made.
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Karen Chhour Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Children; Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence. This person has multiple po...
7 requests made.
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Louise Upston Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector; Minister for Disability Issues; Minister for Social Develo...
10 requests made.
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Mark Mitchell Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of Corrections; Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery; Minister for Ethnic Communities;...
20 requests made.
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Mark Patterson Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Rural Communities; Associate Minister of Agriculture; Associate Minister for Regional Developm...
1 request made.
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Matt Doocey Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Mental Health; Associate Minister of Health. This person has multiple portfolios. When mak...
13 requests made.
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Nicola Grigg Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of State for Trade and Investment; Minister for Women; Associate Minister of Agriculture; Associa...
3 requests made.
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Nicola Willis Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of Finance; Minister for Economic Growth; Minister for Social Investment. This person has mul...
50 requests made.
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Nicole McKee Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Courts; Associate Minister of Justice. This person has multiple portfolios. When making a...
11 requests made.
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Paul Goldsmith Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage; Minister of Justice; Minister for Media and Communications; Minis...
19 requests made.
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Penny Simmonds Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for the Environment; Minister for Vocational Education; Associate Minister for Social Development...
12 requests made.
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Shane Jones Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Oceans and Fisheries; Minister for Regional Development; Minister for Resources; Associate Mi...
27 requests made.
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Shane Reti Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister for Pacific Peoples; Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology; Minister of Statistics; Mini...
29 requests made.
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Simeon Brown Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of Health; Minister for State Owned Enterprises; Minister for Auckland. This person has multi...
69 requests made.
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Simon Court Portfolios and other responsibilities: Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister for Infrastructure; Minister Responsible for RMA Reform....
1 request made.
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Simon Watts Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of Climate Change; Minister for Energy; Minister of Local Government; Minister of Revenue. T...
15 requests made.
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Tama Potaka Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of Conservation; Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti; Minister for Māori Development;...
13 requests made.
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Todd McClay Portfolios and other responsibilities: Minister of Agriculture; Minister of Forestry; Minister for Trade and Investment; Associate Minister of Fo...
15 requests made.
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Winston Peters Portfolios and other responsibilities: Deputy Prime Minister; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Minister for Racing; Minister for Rail. This pers...
47 requests made.
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