Simon Ewing-Jarvie
Joined FYI in 2014
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This person's 35 Official Information requests (page 2)
Documents Relating to Action on Defence Policies Since 2017 General Election
Partially successful.
The information on pay has now been used for a new article on tax status for service personnel on operations.
Emergency Locator Beacon Batteries
Follow up sent to Maritime New Zealand by Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
Information not held.
Thanks for your prompt reply to my OIA request. Your answer is much as I expected. Gold medal to Maritime NZ for quick turnaround!
Yours sincerely...
Flag Arrangement for RNZN Vessels on Op Wasawasa
I have now published the first of several blog posts about New Zealand's role in Pacific security strategy. I've referred to the answer to this request...
Arrangement of Cooperation for Operation Wasawasa 2017 and 2018
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Simon Ewing-Jarvie. Annotated by Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
I have now published the first of several blog posts about New zealand's role in Pacific security strategy. I've referred to the answer to this request...
Thanks for helping As a result of the information gleaned, I have published this blog post on the RNZAF Beechcraft King Air KA350s https://...
Information Requests By Rodney Hide
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
Good afternoon Mr Ewing-Jarvie
Please find attached a response to your request:
Corporate and Ministerial Services
Office of the C...
Communications between Ministry of Defence and Rodney Hide
Response by Ministry of Defence to Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Ewing-Jarvie
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request of 2 April 2017. We understand the New Zealand Defence F...
Operation of the Strategic Risk and Resilience Panel
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
Partially successful.
Dear Simon
Please find attached a scanned copy of the reply to your recent Official
Information Act request to the Departme...
Correspondence with Rodney Hide
Request sent to Ministry of Defence by Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
Partially successful.
I request copies of any correspondence sent to or received from or otherwise held in any form between the New Zealand Defence Force and Rodney Hide....
Breakdown of Reserve Force Numbers by Readiness
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
Good afternoon Mr Ewing-Jarvie,
Please find attached the response to your request of 8 June regarding the
Reserve Forces of the NZDF.
Kind regard...
This person's 34 annotations (page 2)
Flag Arrangement for RNZN Vessels on Op Wasawasa
I have now published the first of several blog posts about New Zealand's role in Pacific security strategy. I've referred to the answer to this request...
Arrangement of Cooperation for Operation Wasawasa 2017 and 2018
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Simon Ewing-Jarvie. Annotated by Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
I have now published the first of several blog posts about New zealand's role in Pacific security strategy. I've referred to the answer to this request...
Minister of Health has transferred this request to the Minister of Defence.
After being in receipt of this OIA request for 9 working days (13 in total), The Treasury has written to say that they are transferring it to the Minis...
I have written a follow-up article using the information gleaned from this OIA request. It relates specifically to the mandate for the NZ troops in the...
Arrangement of Cooperation for Operation Wasawasa 2017 and 2018
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Simon Ewing-Jarvie. Annotated by Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
This request was answered satisfactorily after it was transferred from MFAT to the NZDF. The Defence Cooperation Agreement and letter between the two d...
Thanks again for your excellent service - I've used the info on the Defence budget cut to write this blog post
Thanks for helping As a result of the information gleaned, I have published this blog post on the RNZAF Beechcraft King Air KA350s https://...
Arrangement of Cooperation for Operation Wasawasa 2017 and 2018
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Simon Ewing-Jarvie. Annotated by Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
MFAT has transferred this request to NZDF. Interesting given that the Minister of Foreign Affairs signed the Cabinet Paper requesting this operation be...