This person's 39 Official Information requests (page 2)
Updates on the Manukau Transport Interchange - and any new subsequent delays
Response by Auckland Transport to Ben Ross on .
Dear Mr Ross
Thank you for your request for information regarding the Manukau Bus
Please find attached a response for informa...
Airport Rail. Methodology and Video Release for the Airport Line
Response by Auckland Transport to Ben Ross on .
Dear Mr Ross
Thank you for your request for information relating to studies into rail
options to the airport.
Please find attached a respo...
Costs of Running a Committee of the Whole Meeting at Auckland Council
Response by Auckland Council to Ben Ross on .
Dear Mr Ross,
Re: Your Official Information request: 9000138223 - Costs running
committees of the whole
Thank you for your request for inf...
Methodology behind wanting the Intercity Bus 'Depot' at Manukau Transport Interchange
Response by Auckland Transport to Ben Ross on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ben
Thank you for your request for information regarding the Manukau
Please find attached a response for information req...
Release of Designs for the Manukau Interchange, or When They Will Be Released?
Response by Auckland Transport to Ben Ross on .
Dear Ben
Thank you for your request for information regarding the Manukau
Please find attached a response for information req...
Release of the Manukau City Centre Domain Manual
Response by Auckland Council to Ben Ross on .
Hi Ben,
Thank you for your request for information regarding the Manukau City
Centre Domain Manual.
Please find the Manukau City Centre -...
Request for 2012 Independent Report after "llegations from a senior partner at law firm Meredith Connell, Chris Moore" into Westgate Centre Development
Response by Auckland Council to Ben Ross on .
Good afternoon,
Response to your request for information is attached.
Kind regards,
James Stephens
Public Information
Democracy Services
[Sign up to...
Clarification and Information Request around Lot 59 Manukau
Response by Auckland Council to Ben Ross on .
Good afternoon Mr Ross,
Response to your request for information is attached. I have also attached Auckland Transport's previous response which is ref...
Decision on Te Mahia Station, and Decision on Southern Station Review
Response by Auckland Transport to Ben Ross on .
Dear Ben
Thank you for your request for information regarding the Te Mahia Station
and Southern Station Review.
Please find attached a res...
Missing Tender Documents, Clarifications, and Definition of Early Works in Regards to Otahuhu and Manukau Interchange Projects
Response by Auckland Transport to Ben Ross on .
Good morning Mr Ross,
Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 from Auck...
Correspondence Between Auckland Council and the Office of the Controller and Auditor-General in regards to the 2015-2025 Long Term Plan (including around the City Rail Link)
Response by Office of the Controller and Auditor-General to Ben Ross on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Ben,
Thank you for your query. Auckland Council and Audit New Zealand's correspondence is part of an ongoing audit process. On 18 December an...
Modelling on the Manukau South Link
The LGOIMA was refused owing to documents pertaining to the request do not exist. However, emails with Executive Management say otherwise and some pre...
Cause of the Recent Electric Trains being grounded, the fix, and what mitigation is being taken to prevent it in the future
Partially successful.
LGOIMA request is being handled by direct email and updates from Auckland Transport
Request for Post City Rail Link Operations Plan
Response by Auckland Transport to Ben Ross on .
Good afternoon Mr Ross,
Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 from Au...