Requests similar to 'Regulatory Impact Statement for Immigration Amendment Bill'
Regulatory Impact Statement on Proposed amendments to the Climate Change Response Act 2002
Request sent to Ministry for the Environment by Alex Harris on .
On April 11 2012, the Ministry published a Regulatory Impact Statement for "ETS Review 2011: Proposed amendments to the Climate Change Response Act...
Section 97(1)(b) Immigration Act refusals
Response by Department of Labour to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Alex Harris
Attached is a copy of our response to you regarding your OIA request dated
30 April 2012.
Kind Regards
Rora-Sue Pat...
How many passports have been cancelled for "national security"?
Response by Department of Labour to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex Harris
Attached is a copy of our transfer letter to you.
Your request is being transferred to the Department of Internal Affairs....
Refugee Detention Information
Response by Department of Labour to Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
Dear Joshua Grainger,
Please find attached the response in relation to your recent request.
Chris Fletcher
On behalf of
Liz McMillan
Plans for "Boat People"
Response by Department of Labour to Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
Dear Joshua
The workgroup actioning your request has reviewed its decision to fully transfer your request and will now only be doing a partial transfe...
Effects of Mixed Ownership Model
Request sent to Mighty River Power Limited by Alex Harris on .
On 26 April 2012 you responded to an OIA request from Joshua Grainger seeking
information on the effects of the Mixed Ownership Model with a release...
Cancellation of passports for "national security"
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Harris,
Please find attached letters transferring your recent Official Information
Act request to the Department of Internal Affairs....
Has any advice been given to the Minister of Building and Housing on heating and ventilation issues?
Response by Department of Building and Housing to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex,
Please find attached your acknowledgement regarding your information request.
Kind regards,
Necia Johnston, Advisor Ministerial & Re...
Targets for public and private prisons
Request sent to Department of Corrections by Alex Harris on .
On 27 April 2012 Radio New Zealand reported that Serco had failed to meet its targets for the management of Mount Eden Prison ("Prison operator falls...
Automatic Number-Plate Recognition (ANPR) trials
Response by New Zealand Police to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Alex
We have forwarded your question onto the correct department and someone
will be in touch shortly.
Public Affairs Team
Good morning Alex,
Please find attached PHARMAC’s response to your recent Official
Information Act request.
Have a nice weekend,
Request for Official Information re ACC's Recover Independence Service/s Units
Request sent to Accident Compensation Corporation by David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
I am writing to request the Official Information listed within my letter today with respect to the Corporation's Return to Independence Service Uni...
Use of production orders to intercept telecommunications information
Response by New Zealand Police to Alex Harris on .
Information not held.
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your email, which we have forwarded to the correct
department for follow-up.
Public Affairs Team
Dear Alex
Thanks for your enquiry. Your request has been put through for processing
Kind regards
-----Alex Harris <[OIA #493 email]> w...
Does the Palmerston North City Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Palmerston North City Council to Alex Harris on .
To: Alex Harris
Response to your request is attached.
Kind regards
TRACEY NIELSEN l Governance & Support Team Leader
Palmerston No...
Does the Gisborne District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Gisborne District Council to Alex Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris,
Please find attached our response to your request for official
Eileen Cronin
17 April 2012
Alex Har...
Afternoon Alex
Sorry for not replying , however , I did not receive your e-mail.
Hamilton City Council operate under a six weekly meeting...
Number of staff handling OIA requests
Response by New Zealand Police to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Alex
We want to be able to respond appropriately to your request.
Could you please clarify whether you are seeking national police figures...
Use of social media monitoring tools by MBIE
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex Harris
Please find attached an acknowledgement letter regarding your recent
request for information.
Kind regards
Participation in Cabinet Officials Committees
Response by The Treasury to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Alex Harris,
Please find attached the acknowledgement letter for your request.
Maxine O'Neil | Ministeria...
Participation in Cabinet Officials Committees
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex Harris,
please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information
Act request of 1 November 2012.
Statistical information on success of surveillance warrants
Response by New Zealand Police to Alex Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris
Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the correct
department for follow-up.
Kind regards,
Immigration detention statistics
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Harris,
Please find attached an acknowledgement letter in regards to your recent
Official Information Act request.
Delgations under Electronic Identity Verification Act 2012
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Alex Harris on .
Tēnā koe Alex,
Please see attached for the response to your Official Information Act 1982
Ngā mihi,
Louise Walton [1](she/h...
Does the Otorohanga District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Otorohanga District Council to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex
Please find attached this Council's response to your LGOIMA request.
Yours sincerely
Anne Burdon (Mrs)