Requests similar to 'Anomaly in 1080 testing of 6 Kiwi eggs'
Good afternoon Ms Ogilwy, please find a reply to your 14 December OIA
Kind regards
Matt Barnett
Director Threats, Biodivers...
Native Whio consuming 1080
Request sent to Department of Conservation by Claire Ogilwy on .
Partially successful.
To the Department of Conservation
Can you please provide all internal and external correspondence relating to the Whio poisoned as part of the Battle...
1080 Testing Method and Sample Types
Request sent to Department of Conservation by Claire Ogilwy on .
As DOC was the co-applicant for the review and reassessment of the 2007 ERMA review, can you please provide the 1987 and 1989 papers for the 1080 te...
Wildbase Pathology - Kiwi exposed to poisons from bait stations
Response by Massey University to Claire Ogilwy on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Claire,
Please find attached a response to your recent OIA request.
Kind regards,
Jodie Banner
6 July 2020
Claire Ogilwy...
High 1080 residues found in mice
Request sent to Landcare Research New Zealand Limited by Claire Ogilwy on .
Awaiting classification.
Can you please supply the following Toxicology Analysis Reports:
What was the reason for testing the mice recovered from the...
1080 testing by Landcare of native birds other wildife, farmed stock, humans, foods etc
Response by Landcare Research New Zealand Limited to Sue Grey on .
Partially successful.
Dear Sue
The attached reply to your request has been posted to the FYI website
today but we were unable to include the PDF report, which is now atta...
Fluorocitrate and nitrogen fixation tests and replicated research
Response by Landcare Research New Zealand Limited to Kathy White on .
Partially successful.
Dear Kathy
Our reply to your requests for information on fluorocitrate testing and
research is attached.
Yours sincerely
Number of Kakariki tested for 1080.
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Benseman, further to your 15 December 2018 OIA request please find
a reply and a parakeet nesting success report.
Kind regards
Hunua ranges 1080
Response by Department of Conservation to Jacinta Peryer on .
Partially successful.
Dear Jacinta,
Please find the attached response and documentation to your Official
Information request to the Department, dated 27 September 201...
Raptor Deaths,By 1080 ,pellets or Secondary poisoning .
Response by Department of Conservation to Neville Reilly on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Reilly
Please find attached a response to the Official Information Act requests
you submitted to the Department of Conservation on 18 No...
emails between DOC and Beef + Lamb NZ Ltd's front company OSPRI 1080 poisoning of Kea
Response by Department of Conservation to T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Benseman
Please see attached appendices.
Kind regards,
Department of Conservation
Caution - This message and accomp...
Does 1080 adsorb to plastic and other substances?
Response by Landcare Research New Zealand Limited to Sue Grey on .
Dear Sue
I refer to your request of 21 October concerning information on protocols
for sampling water for 1080. Our responses to your italicised qu...
Dear Mr Graf
On behalf of the Acting Director Operations, Lower North Island, Jay Eden,
please find attached the Department’s response to your O...
Soil and Water Samples unable to detoxify 1080
Request sent to Landcare Research New Zealand Limited by Claire Ogilwy on .
Can you please provide a copy of Contract Report No. LC9495/11, Prepared for Auckland Regional Council.
Lloyd-Jones, G, Aislabie, J, Hunter, DWF, B...
Kiwi dropping tested for 1080
Response by Department of Conservation to H Enderby (Account suspended) on .
Dear Ms Enderby
Please find attached a decision letter relating to the Official
Information Act requested submitted to the Department on 10 June...
Kiwi numbers at Pukaha Mt Bruce
Response by Department of Conservation to Bridget Percy on .
Morena Ms Percy
On behalf of the Director Operations for the Lower North Island, Mr Reg
Kemper, please find attached the Department’s response t...
Dear Bridget Percy
Please find attached response to your OIA request on behalf of Hayden
Barret Director Operations ( acting) Lower North Island...
Kia ora Bridget
Thank you for your request received on 27/09/2021 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your req...
Disclose Submissions: Assessing Risk Hazardous Substances 2018
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to J Bruning on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request, and the first batch of documents we are releasing.
Kind regard...
Kiwi deaths at Pukaha Mt Bruce
Response by Department of Conservation to Bridget Percy on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Tena koe Bridget
On behalf of the Director Operations Lower North Island, Reg Kemper,
please find attached the department’s response to your Offic...
1080 Poison in honey.
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Benseman,
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Request together with a copy of the requested documentation.
Kind re...
Executed versions of GETS tender contracts
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Peter McCall on .
Awaiting classification.
On behalf of Debbie Morris, Acting Deputy Director-General Regulation and Assurance, please find attached a response to your request....
Guidance on fire performance of external wall cladding systems
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Gillian Stopford on .
Awaiting classification.
Ref No: 1819-1041
Good Morning Ms Stopford
Please find attached a response to your request under the Official
Information Act 1982 you mad...
Lab results for toxic waste transported to the Uruti Remediation NZ site
Response by Taranaki Regional Council to Gary Willison on .
Hi Gary,
Please find attached Council’s response to your request for information.
Kind regards,
Liesl Davidson
Secretary / Committee Adm...
Nucleic acid being test by PCR test
Response by Ministry of Health to Helen Wallis on .
Partially successful.
Dear Helen,
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
dated 5 January 2022 to the Ministry of Health, who part...