Requests similar to 'Obstruction of passage along legal road; Rocky Hill Rd'
Obstruction of passage along legal road - Rocky Hill Rd (refined request for information)
Follow up sent to Carterton District Council by Richard Murcott on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Dave
You wrote: “If the unformed road differs to that of the gate then it is no difference from a driveway”
Many folk would consider it ‘irreg...
Kia ora Tim
LGOIMA Request: 2024-18
Thank you for your email request of 8 April 2024.
Attached, our response to your request.
Ngā mihi,
Safety of railway crossing at Belverdere Road, Carterton
Response by Carterton District Council to Patrick Dunford on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Patrick
LGOIMA request 2023-29
Thank you for your email request of 11 May 2023 requesting the following
Railway crossing safety in Carterton
Response by Carterton District Council to Patrick Dunford on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Patrick,
LGOIMA request: 2023-28
Thank you for your email request of 11 May 2023 requesting the following
Kia ora R Leveson
Please find attached a response to your query
MARTY SEBIRE | Corporate Services Manager| CARTERTON D...
Release of public excluded minutes
Response by Carterton District Council to Alistair Cockburn on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon Alistair,
Please see official letter and supporting documents in response to your
request received Thursday 10^th June 2021.
Subdivision Consent Processing Statistics
Response by Carterton District Council to Toni Hill on .
Good afternoon Toni
Please find attached a letter in response to your request received Tuesday 3 March 2020.
Kind regards,
Casey Spencer
Contracts the council has developed with Joyce Advisory or Steven Joyce.
Response by Carterton District Council to Anna Sanderson on .
Kia ora Anna,
Thank you for your email of 14 May 2024 to the Carterton District Council (CDC) requesting the following information:
"Please supply a...
Sale price of all residential houses in a territorial authority
Response by Wellington Regional Council to K Yang on .
Information not held.
Kia or K Yang,
Attached, our response to your LGOIMA request.
Ngā mihi,
Email: [1][emai...
Section 35(2)(d) of the RMA – Monitoring the Exercise of Resource Consents
Response by Carterton District Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian,
LGOIMA Request 2021-96
Thank you for your email request of 5 September 2021.
Attached, our response to your request....
Good morning Julie,
Please see official letter attached in response to your request received
Thursday 4 March 2021.
Ngā mihi,
Good afternoon Marty,
Please see official letter attached in response to your request received
Tuesday 8^th June 2021.
Ngâ mihi,
Citizenship Ceremony Dates for 2025 of entire North Island
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to AHB on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora AHB
I refer to your email requested dated 11 December 2024 for the fo...
LGOIMA responses reported to Council 12 May 2021
Response by Carterton District Council to marty on .
Good afternoon Marty,
Please see official letter attached in response to your request received
Monday 17^th May 2021.
Please let me know if fo...
Tēnā koe Marty,
Please find attached the letter of response to your Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request - Review of the ra...
Hi Marty,
Thank you for your email and I acknowledge receipt of your request
received Tuesday 23 June 2020 for the below information.
Good afternoon Marty
Thank you for your email and I acknowledge receipt of your request received Tuesday 15 September 2020 for the below information....
Good afternoon Marty
Thank you for your email and I acknowledge receipt of your request received Tuesday 26 January 2021 for the below information.
Relocation of operations yard
Response by Carterton District Council to marty on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Marty
Thank you for your email and I acknowledge receipt of your request received Tuesday 15 September 2020 for the below information....
Good afternoon Marty
Thank you for your email and I acknowledge receipt of your request received Tuesday 15 September 2020 for the below information....
Evidence of any inquiry into CDC letterhead used by fraudster Wayne Patterson
Response by Carterton District Council to Katherine Raue on .
Information not held.
Katherine Raue
via email: [1][OIA #1482 email]
Dear Katherine
Please find attached a response to your request of 19 February 2014 mad...
Hi Hayley,
See Below.
Kind regards,
GARRY BAKER |Infrastructure & Services Manager | CARTERTON DISTRICT
Phone: 06 379 4030...
Drug & alcohol pathology/testing at Carterton District Council
Response by Carterton District Council to Lynn Worthington on .
Good afternoon Lynn,
Thank you for your email. I acknowledge receipt of your request received
Tuesday 4^th May, 2021 for the below information:...
Good morning,
Thank you for your email. I acknowledge receipt of your request received
Monday 17^th May 2021, for the below information:
Good morning,
Thank you for your email. I acknowledge receipt of your request received
Monday 17^th May 2021, for the below information: