Māori ward

marty made this Official Information request to Carterton District Council

Carterton District Council did not have the information requested.

From: marty

Dear Carterton District Council

This is a request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act.

Please provide all information and advice provided to this Council, Mayor, or councillors on a Māori ward for Carterton District. Please also provide any email, correspondence, or other information held leading to publicly advertising no decision on a Māori ward, including any public notice.

Yours faithfully

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From: Casey Spencer
Carterton District Council

Good afternoon Marty

Thank you for your email and I acknowledge receipt of your request received Tuesday 26 January 2021 for the below information.

Please provide all information and advice provided to this Council, Mayor, or councillors on a Māori ward for Carterton District. Please also provide any email, correspondence, or other information held leading to publicly advertising no decision on a Māori ward, including any public notice.

We will gather what information we have and will get back to you.

Kind regards,
Casey Spencer

Phone: 06 379 4030 | Email: [email address]
PO Box 9 Carterton 5743 | 28 Holloway Street Carterton 5713 | Website: www.cdc.govt.nz

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marty left an annotation ()

A response was sent by Carterton District Council to this request, but included the wrong reference.

The response may be found under "Workshops" request dated 26 January 2021.

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Things to do with this request

Carterton District Council only: