Requests similar to 'List and contents of MOU's with PRC universities'

Kia ora   Thank you for your enquiry.   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), f...
Kia ora   Thank you for your enquiry.   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), f...
Honourary Doctorate granted to spouse of dictator
Response by Massey University to John on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
Kia ora Claire Thank you for your email. I have forwarded your enquiry to request information under the Official Information Act 1982 to Jodie Bann...
All correspondence relating to paid car parking in Albany
Response by Massey University to William P on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora William Thank you for getting in touch with us. If you do have any requests in future, please email your request to [1][email address].  S...
Emails concerning G1000 flight data
Response by Massey University to Jay on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora   Thank you for your enquiry.   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), f...
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
Steve Ellers
Response by Massey University to A. W. Farmer on .
Information not held.
Kia ora   Thank you for your enquiry.   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), f...
AEC applications from 2017 and 2018
Response by Massey University to Tara Jackson on .
Kia ora   Thank you for your enquiry.   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), f...
BVSc Admissions 2020
Response by Massey University to Mike Hunt on .
Kia ora   Thank you for your enquiry.   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), f...
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
Friend of Massey oia act
Response by Massey University to john luke on .
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
BVSc Admissions 2021
Response by Massey University to Sarah S on .
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
Massey University's International Team Org Chart
Response by Massey University to john luke on .
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
Query for Master of Clinical Practice ( Nursing)
Response by Massey University to A KS on .
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
Parking spaces and waiting lists
Response by Massey University to Christine Elers on .
Kia ora Christine Thank you for your email regarding Official Information request. I have forwarded your enquiry to request information under the Of...
Kia ora John Thank you for your email regarding the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund.  There is ongoing discussion about what qualificatio...
Kia ora Donald Thank you for Official Information Request.  I have forwarded your request to our Privacy Officer to assist you further. Ngā mihi...
Vice chancellor non salary benefits
Response by Massey University to Jeanne Smith on .
Kia ora Jeanne Thank you for your email. I have forwarded your enquiry to request information under the Official Information Act 1982 to Jodie Bann...
Response by Massey University to john luke on .
Kia ora John, Thank you for your enquiry. I have forwarded your email to [1][email address] for further assistance on this matter. Should you req...
Kia ora Pelasa   Thanks for getting in touch about this issue – we value feedback from our community and being alerted to issues as they might ari...