Requests similar to 'Nomination service OIA ACT request'

nomination service- OIA
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to john luke on .
Talofa lava Mr Luke Please find attached the Ministry's response to your recent OIA request regarding our nominations service. Ia manuia Ministerial...
Nomination service- board OIA
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to john luke on .
Mâlô ‘e lelei John   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your OIA request.   If you have any questions, you can respond to this ema...
MPP-Annual-report-for-the-year V2
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to john luke on .
Talofa lava John Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your requests dated 13 and 28 February. I have attached your subsequent request dated...
2023 Board appointments V2 follow up
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to john luke on .
Talofa lava John Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your requests dated 13 and 28 February. I have attached your subsequent request dated...
2023 Board appointment OIA
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to john luke on .
Talofa lava John Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your request. If you have any questions you can respond to this email.   Ia ma...
Talofa lava Mr Luke Please find attached the Ministry's response to your recent OIA request. If you have any questions, you can respond to this email...
Oia data
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to john luke on .
Talofa lava Jake   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request for all OIA requests received from 1 Marc...
Pacific Business Trust Board
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to john luke on .
Mâlô ‘e lelei John Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your OIA request. If you have any questions, you can respond to this email. Fa’af...
Talofa lava Jake Searell   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request regarding records of MPP funding...
Tçnâ koe John Luke Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request. Nâ mâtou noa, nâ Official and Parliamenta...
nomination service- OIA
Response by Ministry for Ethnic Communities to john luke on .
Kia ora John,   Please see attached the Ministry’s response to your request.   Regards,     Te Tari Mâtâwaka | Ministry for Ethnic Commun...
Nomination service 2023
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John Please find attached the response to your information request. Ngā mihi   Ministerial Services | Te Toko Minita National Office Te...
Good afternoon   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request received 3 August 2020.   Kind Regards...
nomination service- follow up- OIA 44841
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to john luke on .
Kia Ora   Please find attached the response to OIA 46458   Ngā Mihi   +--------------------------------------------------------------------...
Nomination service OIA ACT request
Request sent to Ministry of Māori Development by john luke on .
I noted you have a nomination service
Nomination service OIA ACT request
Request sent to Ministry for Women by john luke on .
I noted you have a nomination service May I ask how is your process of nominating people an...
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to john luke on .
Talofa lava John Thank you for your email dated 26 January 2023, requesting information about the Ministry for Pacific People's nomination process for...
nomination service OIA 2022
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John   Attached is our response to your below request.   Ngā mihi   +-------------------------------------------------------------...
Tupu Aotearoa
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to Jason Toby on .
Talofa lava Jason   I refer to your Official Information Act request received on 28 April 2023, regarding Tupu Aotearoa. We have decided to grant...
Nomination service OIA ACT request
Request sent to Ministry for Culture and Heritage by john luke on .
I noted you have a nomination service May I ask how is your process of expressions of i...
(REF: DOIA050-2023/24)- updated
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to john luke on .
IN-CONFIDENCE IN-CONFIDENCE Malo e lelei John,   Reference: DOIA009-2024/25   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your OIA requ...
nomination service OIA 2022
Request sent to Ministry for Women by john luke on .
I noted you have a nomination service May I ask how is your process of nominating people and how many people registered within your registry. Also...
Funding by MPP to Positive Vibration for Bula 7's
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to Concerned Member on .
Awaiting classification.
Ni sa bula vinaka Please find attached the Ministry's response to your recent OIA request. If you have any questions about the response, you can resp...
Layoffs to be made within the department
Response by Ministry for Pacific Peoples to Joshua Andrew Sims on .
Awaiting classification.
Talofa lava Joshua Please find attached the Ministry's response to your OIA request for information relating to layoffs to be made in the Ministry. I...
Government Supply Chain Register
Response by Carmel Sepuloni to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Talofa lava Chris   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your recent OIA request for information relating to the Ministry’s procurement...