Requests similar to 'Severance packages paid to PVC's'

Hourly rate of Kate Davenport QC
Response by Auckland University of Technology to Jeanne Smith on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Jeanne   Please find attached response to your OIA.   Regards Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head of Communications Auckla...
Bachelor of engineering honours acceptance rate
Response by Auckland University of Technology to Andre on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Andre   Thank you for your OIA of 11 March asking for the Bachelor of engineering honours acceptance rate.   In Semester 1 2023, 967 out...
Vice chancellor non salary benefits
Response by Auckland University of Technology to Jeanne Smith on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Jeanne   Please find attached OIA response.   Regards Alison         [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head of Communications Auckland...
Engineering (Honors) first year GPA
Response by Auckland University of Technology to Thomas A. Terrell on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Thomas Please find attached response to your OIA request.   Regards Alison           [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora she/her Direct...
Sepsis learning and assessment
Response by Auckland University of Technology to Paul Huggan on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear Paul   Please find attached response to your OIA. While we are not able to provide information you requested without payment to cover the add...
GPA Change Due to COVID-19
Response by Auckland University of Technology to Elliot M. Tuck on .
Dear Elliot Please find attached response to your OIA request.   Regards Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head of Communications...
Hi Please find attached response to your OIA request. Regards Alison         [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head of Communications Auckland...
International Team
Response by Auckland University of Technology to john luke on .
Dear John Luke Please find attached response to your OIA.   Regards Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Director of Communications A...
Dear Samara Please find attached response to your information request. Regards Alison           [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora she/her Di...
Hi Please find attached response. Regards Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head of Communications Auckland University of Technology...
Regarding BHSc physiotherapy course
Response by Auckland University of Technology to A KS on .
Partially successful.
Please find attached response to your OIA. Regards Alison         [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head of Communications Auckland University of...
Hotline hold music
Response by Auckland University of Technology to J Tims on .
Dear J Tims Please find attached response to your OIA.   Regards Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head of Communications Auckland...
Question regarding Physiotherapy Course
Response by Auckland University of Technology to A KS on .
Partially successful.
Apologies, thought this had been sent.   Regards Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head of Communications Auckland University of Tec...
Response by Auckland University of Technology to Mr Brooks on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Please find attached response.   Ngā mihi   Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Director of Communications Auckland Univer...
Kia ora   Please find attached response to your OIA request.   Ngā mihi   Alison         [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora   She/her Direct...
Dear John Luke   Regarding your OIA request about AUT Ventures, I am writing to let you know that AUT cannot provide this information, as it conce...
Kia ora John Luke   Please see attached documents as per your OIA request.   Ngā mihi Alison         [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora   She/h...
Hi   Please find attached response. Regards Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head of Communications Auckland University of Techno...
Dear Annelies Please find attached response.   Regards Alison         [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head of Communications Auckland Unive...
Response by Auckland University of Technology to john luke on .
Hi John Luke   Please find attached response to your request under the OIA.   Regards Alison         [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head...
Kia ora Cassandra   Following the transferral of your OIA to the Ministry of Education asking:   How many FTE disabilities support staff are at...
Honorary and Adjunct Appointments
Response by Auckland University of Technology to john luke on .
Hi Confirming receipt of this request, we will respond within the required deadline. Regards Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora Head...
Response by Auckland University of Technology to Eddy on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Eddy Please find attached information in response to your request below.   Regards Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora   She/her...
Response by Auckland University of Technology to Margaret Mechum on .
Hi Please ignore my previous email and find attached response.   Regards Alison       [1]AUT Alison Sykora [2]QS rankings Head of Commun...
committee or advisory board OIA Act
Response by Auckland University of Technology to john luke on .
Dear John Luke My apologies our response to your OIA is late. Please see attached response.   Regards Alison       [1]AUTMaori Alison Sy...