Submission to OIA review

Alex Harris made this Official Information request to Pharmaceutical Management Agency

The request was refused by Pharmaceutical Management Agency.

From: Alex Harris

Dear Pharmaceutical Management Agency,

Recently your organisation submitted to the Law Commission's review of the Official Information Act. I would like to request the following information under the OIA:

* a copy of your submission
* all drafts, advice, and internal communications (including emails) relating to that submission

I would prefer to receive an electronic response. Queries about this request will be automatically forwarded to me by the website.

With regards to s12 of the OIA, I am an NZ citizen and in NZ.

Yours faithfully,

Alex Harris

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From: Jessica Dougherty
Pharmaceutical Management Agency

Attachment 2012 08 17 to Alex Harris of re OIA Request for PHARMAC submission to Law Commission OIA review.pdf
145K Download View as HTML

Good morning Alex,
Please find attached PHARMAC’s response to your recent Official
Information Act request.
Have a nice weekend,
Jessica Dougherty | Executive Assistant, Corporate
PHARMAC | PO Box 10-254 | Level 9, 40 Mercer Street, Wellington


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Things to do with this request

Pharmaceutical Management Agency only: