Provincial Growth Fund

Mr Harris made this Official Information request to Shane Jones

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Shane Jones should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Mr Harris

Dear Shane Jones,

I request copies of all and any official advice that you have received relating to the Provincial Growth Fund.


Mr Harris

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From: S Jones (MIN)
Shane Jones

Kia ora

On behalf of Hon Shane Jones, thank you for your email which has been
received by this office. Your correspondence has been noted.


Your email will be placed before the Minister for consideration, and if
required a response can be expected in due course. If your email is
bringing some information to the attention of the Minister, please regard
this as a final response to your email.

Ngā mihi,

Office of Hon Shane Jones

Minister of Forestry | Minister for Infrastructure | Minister for Regional
Economic Development

Associate Finance Minister |Associate State Owned Enterprises Minister |
Associate Transport Minister

L6.4 The Beehive | Wellington | Ph: +64 4 817 8719

[1][IMG]  [2] 



Visible links
2. Jones request email]/Organize/

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From: William Blackler

Kia ora Mr Harris,

Thank you for your official information request as below.

As it stands your request is very wide and potentially covers a very large amount of information.

In order for the office to be able to reply to your request in a timely manner consistent with our obligations under the Act, we ask you confirm as soon as possible whether you are prepared to refine the scope of your request.

Depending on your response, we may either:

• Extend the timeframe for processing the request, and/or
• Consider refusing the request under s18(f) of the Act.

Ngā mihi,

William Blackler | Private Secretary (Advisory) | Office of Hon Shane Jones
Minister of Forestry | Minister for Infrastructure | Minister for Regional Economic Development
Associate Finance Minister |Associate State Owned Enterprises Minister | Associate Transport Minister
L6.4 The Beehive |Wellington|Ph: +64 4 817 8325|mobile: +64 21 530 419 [email address]

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From: Mr Harris

Dear Mr Blackler,

I would like to refine my request to all official advice relating to both the Manea Footprints of Kupe Cultural Heritage and Education Centre and the Provincial Growth Fund.


Mr Harris

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From: William Blackler

Dear Mr Harris,

Just to be clear - are you seeking all official advice that relates to the Provincial Growth Fund's involvement with the Manea Footprints of Kupe project?

Ngā mihi,

William Blackler | Private Secretary (Advisory) | Office of Hon Shane Jones
Minister of Forestry | Minister for Infrastructure | Minister for Regional Economic Development
Associate Finance Minister |Associate State Owned Enterprises Minister | Associate Transport Minister
L6.4 The Beehive |Wellington|Ph: +64 4 817 8325| [email address]

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From: Mr Harris

Dear William Blackler,

Yes, that is correct


Mr Harris

Link to this

Things to do with this request

Shane Jones only: