Submissions list of submitters to Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction

Diane Sparkes made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs

The request was successful.

From: Diane Sparkes

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

As one who made a written submission on this inquiry, presented personally to the panel on Tuesday May 8th at the Auckland hospital venue – I wish to see that it was acknowledged and included.

Where can a list of the actual written submissions be found, so that I can be certain it was looked at and check the information that was provided.

Yours faithfully,

Diane Sparkes

Link to this

From: Jennie Darby
Department of Internal Affairs

Attachment image001.png
7K Download

Attachment image002.jpg
0K Download

Dear Diane Sparkes,


In response to your email on 14 February 2019 requesting to see that your
submission to the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction (the
Inquiry) on 8 May 2018 was acknowledged and included.


I can confirm that your submission is recorded on the Inquiry submission
master list. The consideration of all submissions was used to generate the
Inquiry report, which is now publicly available on the Inquiry website.


[1]He Ara Oranga : report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and


As per Minute Two of the Mental Health Inquiry, “all individual
submissions received by the Inquiry” are subject to s15(1)(a) Inquiries
Act 2013 Orders. This means that the Mental Health Inquiry has forbidden
their publication. However, under paragraph 9 (a) of Minute Two,
individual submissions subject to s15(1)(a) orders may be released upon
verification that the individual making the request is the person who
originally made the submission.


[2]Minute 2 link


This means that your transcribed submission can be released to you upon
verification of your identity. To verify your identity, could you please
provide a copy of your driver’s license, or a similar proof of identity
with a photograph.  It would also be helpful if you could provide a brief
description of the content and/or nature of your submission.  It need not
be more than a few lines. We will then provide you with your submission.



Kind regards,



Jennie Darby | Contractor

Poari Whakahaere Uiui

Policy, Regulation and Communities  (PRC)

Department of Internal Affairs |  Te Tari Taiwhenua

Direct Dial: 04 495 9331| Extn: 5331
45 Pipitea Street, Thorndon | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand





[5]MPj04372940000[1]Please consider the environment before printing this



Visible links

Link to this

From: Jennie Darby
Department of Internal Affairs

Attachment image001.png
7K Download

Attachment image002.jpg
0K Download

Dear Diane Sparkes


Further to my email yesterday asking for verification of your identity. 
You may wish to send your own email address rather than to use the FYI
website as any response we provide to the FYI website becomes publicly
available and you may not want your submission to be made publically


Kind regards





Jennie Darby | Contractor

Poari Whakahaere Uiui

Policy, Regulation and Communities  (PRC)

Department of Internal Affairs |  Te Tari Taiwhenua

Direct Dial: 04 495 9331| Extn: 5331
45 Pipitea Street, Thorndon | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand





[3]MPj04372940000[1]Please consider the environment before printing this



Visible links

Link to this

From: Jennie Darby
Department of Internal Affairs

Attachment image003.png
7K Download

Attachment image004.jpg
0K Download

I’m not sure that this sent correctly.  So have resent it.





Jennie Darby | Contractor

Poari Whakahaere Uiui

Policy, Regulation and Communities  (PRC)

Department of Internal Affairs |  Te Tari Taiwhenua

Direct Dial: 04 495 9331| Extn: 5331
45 Pipitea Street, Thorndon | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand





[3]MPj04372940000[1]Please consider the environment before printing this




From: Jennie Darby
Sent: Thursday, 21 February 2019 2:28 PM
Subject: Official Information Request -


Dear Diane Sparkes,


In response to your email on 14 February 2019 requesting to see that your
submission to the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction (the
Inquiry) on 8 May 2018 was acknowledged and included.


I can confirm that your submission is recorded on the Inquiry submission
master list. The consideration of all submissions was used to generate the
Inquiry report, which is now publicly available on the Inquiry website.


[4]He Ara Oranga : report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and


As per Minute Two of the Mental Health Inquiry, “all individual
submissions received by the Inquiry” are subject to s15(1)(a) Inquiries
Act 2013 Orders. This means that the Mental Health Inquiry has forbidden
their publication. However, under paragraph 9 (a) of Minute Two,
individual submissions subject to s15(1)(a) orders may be released upon
verification that the individual making the request is the person who
originally made the submission.


[5]Minute 2 link


This means that your transcribed submission can be released to you upon
verification of your identity. To verify your identity, could you please
provide a copy of your driver’s license, or a similar proof of identity
with a photograph.  It would also be helpful if you could provide a brief
description of the content and/or nature of your submission.  It need not
be more than a few lines. We will then provide you with your submission.



Kind regards,



Jennie Darby | Contractor

Poari Whakahaere Uiui

Policy, Regulation and Communities  (PRC)

Department of Internal Affairs |  Te Tari Taiwhenua

Direct Dial: 04 495 9331| Extn: 5331
45 Pipitea Street, Thorndon | PO Box 805, Wellington 6140, New Zealand





[8]MPj04372940000[1]Please consider the environment before printing this



Visible links

Link to this

From: Jennie Darby
Department of Internal Affairs

Attachment S6699 transcribed Diane Sparkes.docx
88K Download View as HTML

[Subject only] RE: Official Information request - Submissions list of submitters to Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction

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