MPI board and nomination

john luke made this Official Information request to Ministry for Primary Industries

The request was successful.

From: john luke

Dear Ministry for Primary Industries,

I would like to know how MPI call for nominations for their board and agency they manage. I understand from the Ministry of Women's website that they are a total of 16 boards that MPI manage.

Also, I would like to know how the general public can submit their interest to MPI, so MPI can take their interest to consider for any future appointment.

Further, I would like to know if there are any upcoming governance position in 2019 for the board that MPI manage.

Please note this is an Offical Information Act request and your reply will be published on FYI.ORG.NZ website.

Yours faithfully,

john luke

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From: john luke

Dear Ministry for Primary Industries,

Just wanted to follow up to make sure you have received my OIA request

Yours faithfully,

john luke

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From: Official Information Act
Ministry for Primary Industries

Tēnā koe John,

Thank you for your official information request received on 8 February 2019.

Your request will be considered and a decision provided in accordance with the requirements of the Official Information Act 1982.

If you have any questions regarding this request, please email [email address]

Ngā mihi,

Official Information Act Team
Ministerials and Business Support | Strategy, Performance & Engagement Ministry for Primary Industries - Manatū Ahu Matua | Pastoral House 25 The Terrace | PO Box 2526 | Wellington 6140 New Zealand. Telephone: 0800 00 83 33 | Email: [email address] | Web:


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From: Alexandra Fuller (Alex)
Ministry for Primary Industries

Attachment OIA19 0070 Extension.pdf
41K Download View as HTML

Kia ora John Luke,


On behalf of Andrew MacGregor, Manager Ministerials and Business Support
please find attached an extension of time to your official information act



Alex Fuller | Advisor – Official Information Act - Mycoplasma Bovis
Ministerials and Business Support | Strategy, Performance & Engagement.
Ministry for Primary Industries - Manatû Ahu Matua | Charles Fergusson
Tower 34-38 Bowen Street | PO Box 2526 | Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Web: [1]



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From: Alexandra Fuller (Alex)
Ministry for Primary Industries

Attachment OIA19 0070 Response.pdf
293K Download View as HTML

Kia ora John Luke,


On behalf of Vincent Arbuckle, Deputy Director General Strategy,
Performance and Engagement please find the response to your official
information act request.



Alex Fuller | Advisor – Official Information Act - Mycoplasma Bovis
Ministerials and Business Support | Strategy, Performance & Engagement.
Ministry for Primary Industries - Manatû Ahu Matua | Charles Fergusson
Tower 34-38 Bowen Street | PO Box 2526 | Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Web: [1]



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