This person's 5 Official Information requests
Research notes investigating possible links between Kauri dieback disease and use of 1080
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Mick Hall on .
Dear Mick,
On behalf of Andrew Spelman Acting Director, Readiness and Response
Services please find the response to your official information ac...
How many tenants have requested a transfer after being disturbed by inexplicable activity
Response by Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities to Mick Hall on .
Dear Mr Hall
Please find attached a response from Rachel Kelly, Government Relations
Manager, Housing New Zealand, to your request of 5 November...
Which months WDC spray weeds and what products are used.
Response by Whangarei District Council to Mick Hall on .
Dear Mr Hall
I refer to your request of 26 October 2018 seeking information relating to
weed spraying undertaken by council over the last three year...
possible effects of Sodium fluoroacetate on soil microbial activity around Kauri trees could be an aggravating factor in Kauri Dieback disease.
Response by New Zealand Forest Research Institute Limited to Mick Hall on .
Dear Mick,
Please find attached a letter in response to your recent OIA request.
Kind regards,
Vanessa Fergusson
Legal Counsel
Correspondence of Sir Anand Satyanand with the Church-based groups
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Mick Hall on .
Dear Mr Hall
Please find attached the Department of Internal Affairs’ response to your
official information request.
Kind regards
This person's annotations
None made.