Capital Gains Tax: Asset Price Forecasts
Matthew Hooton made this Official Information request to The Treasury
Response to this request is long overdue. By law The Treasury should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Matthew Hooton
Dear The Treasury,
You will be aware that the Government is soon to consider policy on a Capital Gains Tax (CGT). As I understand it, the Government has promised that any revenue from a CGT should be offset by other tax changes. This Official Information Act request is therefore about what forecasts or projections the Treasury has made or holds on asset prices over the next decade. Please provide me under the OIA all such forecasts or projections divided into various asset classes, such as "family homes," "rental properties," "shares on the NZX" etc, with which Treasury will use to provide advice to ministers on the likely revenue from various CGT proposals.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Matthew Hooton
From: Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY]
The Treasury
Good afternoon
Please find attached an acknowledgement of your Official Information Act
Liam McCabe | Ministerial Advisor | The Treasury
[1][email address]
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From: Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY]
The Treasury
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Liam McCabe | Ministerial Advisor | The Treasury
[1][email address]
The information in this email is confidential to the Treasury, intended
only for the addressee(s), and may also be legally privileged. If you are
not an intended addressee:
a. please immediately delete this email and notify the Treasury by return
email or telephone (64 4 472 2733);
b. any use, dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited
and may be unlawful.
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From: Matthew Hooton
Dear Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY],
This cannot be all the information that you hold that is covered by my request. It is not adequate to provide any but the roughest revenue forecasts for various Capital Gains Tax models and is not a sound basis for advising ministers. Could you please either recheck your files and fully meet the terms of my request, or provide an explanation as to why no serious effort to estimate revenues from various CGT models has been or is being carried out.
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Hooton
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence