Rock tonnage used

P.A Hamill made this Official Information request to Buller District Council

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Buller District Council should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: P.A Hamill

Dear Buller District Council,
Could You please supply the amount of rock that was used to construct the Westport air port protection rock wall
Secondly the amount used to repair and extend the wall after it as built and also the prosed amount that is intended to be used for its further extension and repair.

Yours faithfully,

P.A Hamill

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From: P.A Hamill

Dear Buller District Council,

did you miss this

Yours faithfully,

P.A Hamill

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From: Glenda Martyn
Buller District Council

Dear P.A Hamill

Thank you for your email below, however are you able to supply me with a little more details. I don't believe I have received an email title Rock Tonnage.

If we have overlooked an email, I apologise for this. Look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Glenda Martyn | Executive Assistant to CEO / Human Resources Advisor | 03 788 9642

Buller District Council | Freephone 0800 807 239 |

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[FOI #9270 email]

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From: P.A Hamill

Dear Glenda Martyn,

Yours sincerely,

P.A Hamill

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From: Glenda Martyn
Buller District Council

Thank you.

I will get a response to you as soon as possible.

Apologies for the delay.

Glenda Martyn
Sent from my iPhone

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Things to do with this request

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