Staff Training re Exceptional Circumstances

Gregory Soar made this Official Information request to Ministry of Social Development

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Ministry of Social Development should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Gregory Soar

Dear Ministry of Social Development,

1. Is a WINZ office manager expected to know about and have a working knowledge of the “Exceptional Circumstances’” scheme?

2. What authority is being used to enable a WINZ OFFICE MANAGER to refuse to accept an application for help using exceptional circumstances by informing the client “WINZ does not do that” as has twice now been said to me?

3. What legal authority does WINZ use to refuse to accept an application in general? (Distinct from refusing one. Not accepting not reading not giving due diligence)

Yours faithfully,

Gregory Soar

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