Arrangement of Cooperation for Operation Wasawasa 2017 and 2018

Simon Ewing-Jarvie made this Official Information request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The request was successful.

From: Simon Ewing-Jarvie

Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
I request a copy of the Arrangement of Cooperation for Operation Wasawasa 2017 and the extended scope of the same document for 2018 deployments.

This request is made under the Official Information Act 1982. I am a New Zealand citizen.

Yours faithfully,

Simon Ewing-Jarvie

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


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From: ESD
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Dear Simon Ewing-Jarvie

Thank you for your OIA request. This email confirms receipt and advises that your request has been sent to the appropriate division for response.

Kind regards

Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatū Aorere

195 Lambton Quay, Private Bag 18901
Wellington 6160
New Zealand |

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, 29 May 2018 2:24 p.m.
Subject: FW: Official Information request - Arrangement of Cooperation for Operation Wasawasa 2017 and 2018


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Ewing-Jarvie [mailto:[FOI #7951 email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 29 May 2018 12:54 p.m.
Subject: Official Information request - Arrangement of Cooperation for Operation Wasawasa 2017 and 2018

Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, I request a copy of the Arrangement of Cooperation for Operation Wasawasa 2017 and the extended scope of the same document for 2018 deployments.

This request is made under the Official Information Act 1982. I am a New Zealand citizen.

Yours faithfully,

Simon Ewing-Jarvie


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #7951 email]

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From: ESD
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Attachment OIA 26080 Simon Ewing Jarvie Transfer letter.pdf
73K Download View as HTML



Dear Simon Ewing-Jarvie


Please see the attached letter regarding your OIA request of 29 May 2018.


Kind regards,


Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatū Aorere


T +64 4 439 8000   E  [1][email address]  


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the information in it as this may be unlawful. If you have received this
message in error, please email or telephone the sender immediately."


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Simon Ewing-Jarvie left an annotation ()

MFAT has transferred this request to NZDF. Interesting given that the Minister of Foreign Affairs signed the Cabinet Paper requesting this operation be extended. We shall see.

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From: Ministerial Services

Attachment Picture Device Independent Bitmap 1.jpg
7K Download

Attachment OIA 2018 3126 Ewing Jarvie response letter scan 29 June 2018.pdf
9.5M Download View as HTML

Good afternoon Mr Ewing-Jarvie
Please find attached a response to your request for information:
Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force
The information contained in this Internet Email message is intended for
the addressee only and may contain privileged information, but not
necessarily the official views or opinions of the New Zealand Defence
Force.  If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose,
copy or
distribute this message or the information in it.  If you have received
this message in error, please Email or telephone the sender immediately.


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Simon Ewing-Jarvie left an annotation ()

This request was answered satisfactorily after it was transferred from MFAT to the NZDF. The Defence Cooperation Agreement and letter between the two defence chiefs in NZ and Fiji is a straightforward way of setting out the ground rules for our navy to operate in Fijian waters. I was surprised to learn that members of our contingent have legal jeopardy for offences under Fijian law that are not offences under NZ law. Still none the wiser about how the patrol vessel is 'flagged' when operating on behalf of the Fiji authorities so I'll be asking a simple follow-up question on that. Thanks NZDF and If you are interested in defence and international security matters, please consider following my blog on those topics at

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Simon Ewing-Jarvie left an annotation ()

I have now published the first of several blog posts about New zealand's role in Pacific security strategy. I've referred to the answer to this request and another in it. Thanks NZDF and FYI

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Things to do with this request

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