DHB gender-affirming healthcare services

Gloria Fraser made this Official Information request to Taranaki District Health Board

The request was successful.

From: Gloria Fraser

Tēnā koutou,

I am writing to request information about the gender-affirming healthcare services provided by the Taranaki District Health Board.

Could you please advise whether the following gender-affirming healthcare services are funded by the Taranaki District Health Board for transgender patients, and whether the services are currently available:

- Hormone therapy
- Mastectomy
- Hysterectomy
- Orchidectomy
- Facial hair removal
- Breast augmentation
- Voice training

Could you please provide information about the process of accessing those services that are available?

- Specifically, is an assessment by a mental health professional required in order to access gender-affirming healthcare services? If so, which services?
- In the case of hormone therapy, can primary health providers prescribe hormones, or does this have to be initially approved by an endocrinologist?
- Is any period of real life experience required to access surgery?

Finally, could you please advise what the process is if transgender patients require one of the above services, but the Taranaki District Health Board does not offer this service? Does the Taranaki District Health Board currently fund patients to travel to other areas to access this healthcare?

If any part of my request is unclear, please don't hesitate to contact me.

If any of the information that I have requested is unavailable or would be difficult to retrieve, but similar information might be readily available, I would be happy to discuss altering or refining my request.

Ngā mihi,
Gloria Fraser

Link to this

From: Jenny McLennan [TDHB]
Taranaki District Health Board

Good Morning Gloria - A quick email to acknowledge receipt of your OIA request and to let you know that you can expect to receive a response on or before 28 June 2018.


Jenny McLennan
Personal Assistant to
Rosemary Clements
Chief Executive

Phone: 06 753-7781
[mobile number]-3444-214
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

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From: Jenny McLennan [TDHB]
Taranaki District Health Board

Attachment 2018 06 20 OIA22 Response to G Fraser re gender affirming services.pdf
70K Download View as HTML

Good Morning Gloria – Please find attached the OIA response from Taranaki
DHB go your request of 23 May 2018.





Jenny McLennan

Personal Assistant to

Rosemary Clements

Chief Executive


Phone: 06 753-7781

[mobile number]-3444-214

Email: [email address]



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Things to do with this request

Taranaki District Health Board only: