Minister Brownlee's trip to Monte Carlo Rendez-Vous de Septembre

Rachael Harris made this Official Information request to Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission

The request was partially successful.

From: Rachael Harris

Dear Earthquake Commission,

I request all information held by the Earthquake Commission relating to Minister Brownlee's trip to the 54th annual ‘Monte Carlo Rendez-Vous de Septembre’ on 10-15 September 2011, including but not limited to his presentation to the conference.

Yours faithfully,

Rachael Harris

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From: Ministerial Services Team

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Dear Ms Harris


Thank you for your request for information received on 18 October 2017. 
You requested the following of the Earthquake Commission (EQC):


‘I request all information held by the Earthquake Commission relating to
Minister Brownlee's trip to the 54th annual ‘Monte Carlo Rendez-Vous de
Septembre’ on 10-15 September 2011, including but not limited to his
presentation to the conference.’


Your request is being considered under the Official Information Act 1982. 
You will receive a response by 16 November 2017, subject to EQC’s right
under section 15A of the Official Information Act to extend the timeframe
for responding to your request in certain circumstances.  


Yours sincerely



Zoe Royden| Senior Advisor |Office of the Chief Executive| Earthquake
Commission | Kômihana Rûwhenua | Toll Free 0800 326 243 | Facsimile  04
978 6431 | Wellington |  [1] |











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From: Ministerial Services Team

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Attachment Your Official Information Act Request ref.705.pdf
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Dear Ms Harris


Please Find attached EQC’s response to your request for information.


Kind regards


Zoe Royden| Senior Advisor |Office of the Chief Executive| Earthquake
Commission | Kômihana Rûwhenua | Toll Free 0800 326 243 | Facsimile  04
978 6431 | Wellington |  [1] |





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Things to do with this request

Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission only: