How long on average does it take to approve a subdivision application?

Luigi Cappel made this Official Information request to Auckland Council

The request was successful.

From: Luigi Cappel

Dear Auckland Council,

Every day I read about housing shortages in Auckland and the lack of new houses and properties being developed.

In August last year (1996) we submitted an application under the Auckland Council District Plan (North Shore Section), paid an initial fee and subsequently an additional $10,000 deposit as 2 neighbours objected to subdivision of a 1528m property. They chose not to go to hearing and whilst most of the $10,000 has been spent by Council and we have effectively agreed to the terms and conditions, we still have no approval a year later.

Given the urgent need for housing is this time frame normal?

What is the average time a citizen would expect to have to wait for an approval that meets all criteria?

Yours faithfully,

Luigi Cappel

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Luigi Cappel left an annotation ()

I was in error it was prior to July last year, the traffic impact assessment was done in July. 14 months ago!

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From: Official Information
Auckland Council

Dear Luigi


Thank you for contacting Auckland Council, requesting information on
consenting timeframes.


Please be aware that timeframes vary considerably, depending on factors
like the complexity of the application and how well the application is


We ran a data report and came up with these averages, based on the last 4


59 days – the average number of business days for a non-notified resource
consent application to be processed

294 days – the average number of business days for notified resource
consent application to be processed

31 days – the average number of processing days^1 for a non-notified
resource consent application to be completed

165 days – the average number of processing days ^ for a notified resource
consent application to be completed

20 days – the target number of processing days for non-notified resource
consent applications to be completed

130 days – the target number of working days for notified applications to
be completed.


Notified consents are approximately 1.5% of all resource consents
processed and are generally highly complex applications. There are several
reasons for notified consents not being processed within timeframes,
including a focus on working with applicants and parties affected by the
project to address the issues appropriately and achieve the best possible
outcomes for all parties. Small numbers of consents being over time can
have a significant impact on overall performance for this measure.


I hope this answers your questions. Please contact us via
[1][Auckland Council request email] if you have any further


Kind regards


Rosie Judd on behalf of the Resource Consents Customer Service and
Engagement Team


^1 Processing days are the difference between working/business days and
suspension days, if additional information is required to process the



Rosie Judd │ Privacy & LGOIMA Business Partner

Democracy Services

Phone (09) 301 0101 

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From: Luigi Cappel [mailto:[FOI #6497 email]]
Sent: Thursday, 31 August 2017 3:12 p.m.
To: Official Information
Subject: Official Information request - How long on average does it take
to approve a subdivision application?


Dear Auckland Council,


Every day I read about housing shortages in Auckland and the lack of new
houses and properties being developed.


In August last year (1996) we submitted an application under the Auckland
Council District Plan (North Shore Section), paid an initial fee and
subsequently an additional $10,000 deposit as 2 neighbours objected to
subdivision of a 1528m property. They chose not to go to hearing and
whilst most of the $10,000 has been spent by Council and we have
effectively agreed to the terms and conditions, we still have no approval
a year later.


Given the urgent need for housing is this time frame normal?


What is the average time a citizen would expect to have to wait for an
approval that meets all criteria?


Yours faithfully,


Luigi Cappel




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


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[3][FOI #6497 email]


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