Social Housing report request

Margaret Mechum made this Official Information request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

The request was successful.

From: Margaret Mechum

Dear Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment,

Cabinet Committee Minute SOC (10) 28/1 featured a section entitled "Greater involvement of third party providers of social housing"

Within that section the Minute...(6) directed the Department of Building and Housing (DBH), in consultation with the Treasury and the State Services Commission (SSC), to report to the Minister of Finance, the Minister of State Services, and the Minister of Housing by 31 March 2011 on the future structure of the social housing sector, including the future role of HNZC as a provider of social housing;
(7) Noted that the preconditions for greater third party participation in the provision of social
housing are:
7.1 clear specification of social housing providers' rights and obligations through the
regulation and potential registration of approved providers;
7.2 financial assistance to tenants to enable them to meet a reasonable rent;
7.3 an independent and nationally consistent system for allocating tenants to properties;
7.4 access to a subsidy to the housing provider, either operating or capital, to improve
the value proposition;
7.5 potentially, a mechanism to mitigate the risk of fluctuating incomes, for example due
to vacancies and arrears;
7.6 certainty of cash flow, which includes certainty around the criteria and quantum of
Crown subsidies to cover operating costs;

The Minute then....(8) directed DBH, in consultation with the Treasury, to report to the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Housing by 30 June 2011 with advice on how to facilitate increased third party provision of social housing, including how to establish the necessary preconditions including practical steps that can be put into action quickly;

I request copies of the reports referred to in point 6 and point 8 of the cabinet minute. I also request any working documents, drafts, literature review documents, and meeting minutes associated with the production of these reports.

Yours faithfully,

Margaret Mechum

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From: *OIA
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

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Ref: DOIA 1718-0142


Dear Ms Mechum


On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment I
acknowledge your email of 25 July 2017 requesting under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act), the following:


Cabinet Committee Minute SOC (10) 28/1 featured a section entitled
"Greater involvement of third party providers of social housing"


Within that section the Minute...(6) directed the Department of Building
and Housing (DBH), in consultation with the Treasury and the State
Services Commission (SSC), to report to the Minister of Finance, the
Minister of State Services, and the Minister of Housing by 31 March 2011
on the future structure of the social housing sector, including the future
role of HNZC as a provider of social housing;

(7) Noted that the preconditions for greater third party participation in
the provision of social housing are:

7.1 clear specification of social housing providers' rights and
obligations through the regulation and potential registration of approved

7.2 financial assistance to tenants to enable them to meet a reasonable

7.3 an independent and nationally consistent system for allocating tenants
to properties;

7.4 access to a subsidy to the housing provider, either operating or
capital, to improve the value proposition;

7.5 potentially, a mechanism to mitigate the risk of fluctuating incomes,
for example due to vacancies and arrears;

7.6 certainty of cash flow, which includes certainty around the criteria
and quantum of Crown subsidies to cover operating costs;


The Minute then....(8) directed DBH, in consultation with the Treasury, to
report to the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Housing by 30 June
2011 with advice on how to facilitate increased third party provision of
social housing, including how to establish the necessary preconditions
including practical steps that can be put into action quickly;


I request copies of the reports referred to in point 6 and point 8 of the
cabinet minute. I also request any working documents, drafts, literature
review documents, and meeting minutes associated with the production of
these reports.


Your request is being processed in accordance with the Act and a response
will be sent to you in due course. If you have any enquiries regarding
your request feel free to contact us via email [1][MBIE request email] or
using the contact details below.



Yours sincerely,

Alan Witcombe



Corporate, Governance and Information

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Level 4, 15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140




[3] - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government


Any opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of the
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. This message and any
files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the
intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person
responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, be advised that you
have received this message in error and that any use is strictly
prohibited. Please contact the sender and delete the message and any
attachment from your computer.



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From: *OIA
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

Attachment image001.png
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Attachment 1718 0142 Extension letter.pdf
90K Download View as HTML


Dear Ms Mechum


Please find attached an extension in regards your recent OIA request.




Ministerial Adviser


Engagement, Communications and Ministerial Services

Corporate, Governance and Information




[1] - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government


Any opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of the
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. This message and any
files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the
intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person
responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, be advised that you
have received this message in error and that any use is strictly
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From: Edward Firth
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

Attachment image001.jpg
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Attachment 1718 0142 Margaret Mechum response.pdf
10.2M Download View as HTML

Dear Ms Mechum


Please find attached a letter in response to your Official Information Act
1982 request dated 25 July 2017.


Kind regards


Edward Firth

Senior Ministerial Writer


Engagement, Communications and Ministerial Services

Corporate, Governance and Information

[1][email address] |
Level 4, 15 Stout Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140



[3] - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government


Any opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of the
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. This message and any
files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the
intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person
responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, be advised that you
have received this message in error and that any use is strictly
prohibited. Please contact the sender and delete the message and any
attachment from your computer.



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Things to do with this request

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