OIA - Air Gapping (Network Security)

W SHIH made this Official Information request to New Zealand Security Intelligence Service

New Zealand Security Intelligence Service did not have the information requested.

From: W SHIH

Dear New Zealand Security Intelligence Service,

I would like to request any manuals and/or specifications for air gapping networks under the Official Information Act 1982.

Yours faithfully,


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New Zealand Security Intelligence Service

Dear W Shih

Thank you for your email of 16 March 2017 seeking information under the provisions of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).

We will respond within the twenty working days provided for in the OIA. However, if an extension of the time limit is necessary, we will, of course, let you know.

Yours sincerely
Privacy Officer

-----Original Message-----
From: W SHIH [mailto:[FOI #5557 email]]
Sent: Thursday, 16 March 2017 6:52 p.m.
To: OIA Privacy
Subject: Official Information request - OIA - Air Gapping (Network Security)

Dear New Zealand Security Intelligence Service,

I would like to request any manuals and/or specifications for air gapping networks under the Official Information Act 1982.

Yours faithfully,



This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

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[FOI #5557 email]

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New Zealand Security Intelligence Service

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Dear Mr Shih

Please find attached a response from the Director to your request dated 16 March 2017.

Yours sincerely,
Privacy Officer

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From: W SHIH

Dear NZSIS Rebecca Kitteridge,

In response to your refusal under 18(d) redirecting me to the New Zealand Information and Security Manual (NZISM).

The only mention of air gapping or similar in both part 1 and part 2 of the NZISM is in (Part 1)11.1.9.R.01.

Which states "RF devices pose security threat as they are capable of picking up and transmitting classified background conversations. Furthermore, many RF devices can connect to IT equipment and act as unauthorised data storage devices or bridge “air gaps”."

NZISM does not specify air gapping network itself, but talks about the security volubility of radio frequency devices.

I therefore conclude this OIA request as incomplete and would expect an updated response before going to the Ombudsman.

Yours faithfully,
W Shih

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New Zealand Security Intelligence Service

Dear W Shih

Thank you for your request, you can expect a response in due course.

Kind regards
Privacy Officer

-----Original Message-----
From: W SHIH [mailto:[FOI #5557 email]]
Sent: Sunday, 23 April 2017 9:34 a.m.
To: OIA Privacy
Subject: RE: Official Information request - OIA - Air Gapping (Network Security)

Dear NZSIS Rebecca Kitteridge,

In response to your refusal under 18(d) redirecting me to the New Zealand Information and Security Manual (NZISM).

The only mention of air gapping or similar in both part 1 and part 2 of the NZISM is in (Part 1)11.1.9.R.01.

Which states "RF devices pose security threat as they are capable of picking up and transmitting classified background conversations. Furthermore, many RF devices can connect to IT equipment and act as unauthorised data storage devices or bridge “air gaps”."

NZISM does not specify air gapping network itself, but talks about the security volubility of radio frequency devices.

I therefore conclude this OIA request as incomplete and would expect an updated response before going to the Ombudsman.

Yours faithfully,
W Shih

-----Original Message-----

Dear Mr Shih

Please find attached a response from the Director to your request dated 16 March 2017.

Yours sincerely,
Privacy Officer

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #5557 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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From: W SHIH

Dear New Zealand Security Intelligence Service,

Just a reminder that it has been over 3 weeks since the last acknowledgement reply.

Yours faithfully,


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New Zealand Security Intelligence Service

Attachment Response Shih.pdf
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Dear W Shih

Please find attached a response from the Director to your follow-up request.

Yours sincerely,
Privacy Officer

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