Request for Individual Surname and Address

Jessica Browne made this Official Information request to New Zealand Transport Agency

New Zealand Transport Agency did not have the information requested.

From: Jessica Browne

Dear New Zealand Transport Agency,

I was rear ended by a motorist on Thursday the 15th December last year and on good faith took the drivers name, number and car details to have my car fixed early 2017. I have been in contact with the driver for over a month now and she still hasn't arranged for my car to be fixed. I would like to put a small claim together through the disputes tribunal to have the repair work carried out however I don't have the drivers surname or postal address. If you could please supply me with the owners details for this car that would be much appreciated; Nissan Bluebird BPC800.

Yours faithfully,

Jessica Browne

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New Zealand Transport Agency

Thank you for contacting the NZ Transport Agency.  This is an automated
response to confirm we have received your email.   

We aim to reply to your email within 3 working days.   If your email is
urgent please call us on one of the following:

*  Motor vehicle licensing 0800 108 809
*  Driver licensing 0800 822 422 
*  Overseas +64 6 9536200
* Tolling 0800 40 20 20

If you need to report a State Highway issue that requires urgent
attention, please call our 24/7 Highway Information Team on 0800 444 449


Find the latest transport news, information, and advice on our website:


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From: NZ Transport Agency
New Zealand Transport Agency

Hello Jessica 

Thank you for your email about requesting personal information for a
vehicle that rear-ended your vehicle.

To provide some background information around your request, a law came
into effect on 1 May 2011 which has significantly restricted access to
personal information from the Motor Vehicle Register. Prior to this law
change, anyone who paid the prescribed fee, provided identification and a
vehicle's registration plate number, could obtain the registered person's
name and address from the Register.

The law now only permits the release of personal information for the
following purposes:

* Enforcement of the law
* Maintenance of the security of New Zealand
* Collection of charges imposed or authorised by an enactment
* The administration and development of transport law and policy, and
* Where the public interest outweighs the privacy of the individual

Further information about the release of personal information can be
accessed on our website at:

You can apply for the registered person details of a vehicle on our
website at:
Alternatively, you can apply for this information by completing an
Application for registered person name and address (MR31) form and posting
it to us with payment of $15.00. The form is available on our website at:

Each application is considered on a case by case basis and the application
fee is non-refundable. Approval or decline of the application will be
notified by email or letter within 10 days from the date the application
is received.

If you have any further queries, please feel free to reply to this email
or call us on 0800 108 809, Monday to Friday, between 8am and 6pm.


Dan Thomson / Senior Customer Access Representative
Customer Response Team 
NZ Transport Agency
P 0800 108 809 / E [4][NZTA request email] / W [5]
Private Bag 11777, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand 

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Things to do with this request

New Zealand Transport Agency only: