The most recent board assurance statement.
ashley perfect made this Official Information request to Waitohu School
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Waitohu School should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: ashley perfect
Dear Waitohu School,
Could you please supply a copy of the Waitohu Board assurance statement (BAS) and the self audit checklist
Yours faithfully,
ashley perfect
From: ashley perfect
Dear Waitohu School,
Could you please respond promptly to the above request as It is now overdue by law you should have responded by the 22 11 2016
Yours faithfully,
ashley perfect
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
ashley perfect only:
Waitohu School only: