Earthquake Prone Building Information #2

Fraser made this Official Information request to Upper Hutt City Council

The request was partially successful.

From: Fraser

Dear Upper Hutt City Council,

Please find attached a new request. I note that it has now been eight weeks since the time of my original official information act request, therefore in line with your official information statement I would qualify for a fresh hour of free collation time.

I note I have not yet received a response to my 9 March 2015 clarification regards the release of the earthquake prone building information requested. I still look forward to a response to that correspondence, however in the interim this allows the matter to move forward further.

Hopefully the structure of this question cuts down on the time involved in collation encountered regards previous questions and allows for the free release of as much information as possible.

Please provide the information as requested below. Please address points a-d for each of the buildings in numeric order, and release the relevant information until such time as the first free hour of collation time has expired.

For the buildings numbered below could you please provide:
a. A copy of the written portion (ie no need to include the calculation portion) of the detailed assessment which council holds which includes (but is not limited to) the %NBS (of the lowest performing building element) for the building and the importance level used in the assessment.
b. If no detailed assessment is held please provide a copy of the council’s assessment completed as per the process outlined in Sec of the councils earthquake prone building policy.
c. The current status in terms of the councils earthquake prone building policy.
d. The importance level (as per NZS:1170) the council deems appropriate for the building.

1. The Trentham Fire Station and the connected electricity substation located at approx. 549 Fergusson Dr.
2. The Designated Emergency Operations Centre located at 836 Fergusson Dr - or any other building designated to act as the Upper Hutt EOC
3. The Telephone Exchange located at approx. 586 Fergusson Dr
4. The electricity substation located at the junction of the railway lines and/on Sutherland Ave/Messines Rd
5. The electricity substation located on the corner of Islington Street/Fergusson Drive
6. The Trentham Racecourse Grandstands
7. The Fig Tree Café building at approx 386 Fergusson Dr
8. The Mess Hall Restaurant building at approx 68 Ararino St
9. The complex of buildings which makes up 'The Mall'
10. The CBD Tower Building on Main St

Many thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Jacqui McKelvey
Upper Hutt City Council

Attachment Letter to Fraser 2016.04.11.pdf
300K Download View as HTML

Hi Fraser

Please find attached a letter of acknowledgement for your request for information.


Jacqui McKelvey
Administration Officer
Corporate Services

Upper Hutt City Council | 838-842 Fergusson Drive, Private Bag 907, Upper Hutt 5140, New Zealand
T: +64 4 527 2169 | E: [email address] | W: | F:

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-----Original Message-----
From: Fraser [mailto:[FOI #3867 email]]
Sent: Thursday, 7 April 2016 12:38 p.m.
To: uhcc
Subject: Official Information Act request - Earthquake Prone Building Information #2

Dear Upper Hutt City Council,

Please find attached a new request. I note that it has now been eight weeks since the time of my original official information act request, therefore in line with your official information statement I would qualify for a fresh hour of free collation time.

I note I have not yet received a response to my 9 March 2015 clarification regards the release of the earthquake prone building information requested. I still look forward to a response to that correspondence, however in the interim this allows the matter to move forward further.

Hopefully the structure of this question cuts down on the time involved in collation encountered regards previous questions and allows for the free release of as much information as possible.

Please provide the information as requested below. Please address points a-d for each of the buildings in numeric order, and release the relevant information until such time as the first free hour of collation time has expired.

For the buildings numbered below could you please provide:
a. A copy of the written portion (ie no need to include the calculation portion) of the detailed assessment which council holds which includes (but is not limited to) the %NBS (of the lowest performing building element) for the building and the importance level used in the assessment.
b. If no detailed assessment is held please provide a copy of the council’s assessment completed as per the process outlined in Sec of the councils earthquake prone building policy.
c. The current status in terms of the councils earthquake prone building policy.
d. The importance level (as per NZS:1170) the council deems appropriate for the building.

1. The Trentham Fire Station and the connected electricity substation located at approx. 549 Fergusson Dr.
2. The Designated Emergency Operations Centre located at 836 Fergusson Dr - or any other building designated to act as the Upper Hutt EOC 3. The Telephone Exchange located at approx. 586 Fergusson Dr 4. The electricity substation located at the junction of the railway lines and/on Sutherland Ave/Messines Rd 5. The electricity substation located on the corner of Islington Street/Fergusson Drive 6. The Trentham Racecourse Grandstands 7. The Fig Tree Café building at approx 386 Fergusson Dr 8. The Mess Hall Restaurant building at approx 68 Ararino St 9. The complex of buildings which makes up 'The Mall'
10. The CBD Tower Building on Main St

Many thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,



This is an OIA request done via the FYI website.

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From: Karen Patterson
Upper Hutt City Council

Attachment Q 6 10 Racecourse Road IEP Grandstand.pdf
121K Download View as HTML

Attachment Q 6 10 Racecourse Road IEP Members Stand.pdf
101K Download View as HTML

Attachment Q 7 386 Fergusson Drive.pdf
257K Download View as HTML

Attachment Q 7 Detailed Seismic Assessment 386 388 Fergusson Drive March 2014.pdf
2.8M Download View as HTML

Attachment Q 8 Totara Lodge Seismic Assessment.pdf
1.8M Download View as HTML

Attachment Q 10 CBD Towers Assessment Update.pdf
110K Download View as HTML

Hello Fraser


Please see attached letter and attachments in response to your request for


Can you please confirm receipt.


If you have any queries, please give me a call.









Karen Patterson

Registered Legal Executive


Please note my usual hours of work are 8.30am to 3pm

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday


Upper Hutt City Council | 838 – 842 Fergusson Drive, Private Bag 907,
Upper Hutt 5140, New Zealand
D: +64 4 529 0080 |  T: +64 4 527 2169 | E: [email address] |
W: [1] | F: [2]


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From: Karen Patterson
Upper Hutt City Council

Attachment Letter to Fraser 2016.05.05.pdf
890K Download View as HTML

Hi Fraser


Letter attached.


Can you please confirm receipt.


If you have any queries, please give me a call.













Karen Patterson

Registered Legal Executive


Please note my usual hours of work are 8.30am to 3pm

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday


Upper Hutt City Council | 838 – 842 Fergusson Drive, Private Bag 907,
Upper Hutt 5140, New Zealand
D: +64 4 529 0080 |  T: +64 4 527 2169 | E: [email address] |
W: [1] | F: [2]


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From: Fraser

Dear Karen,

Thanks very much for your response and the information provided I look forward to having a read through. I look forward to provision of the further information mentioned.

As a point of clarification could you please direct me to the part of your Policy or the Building Act which excludes buildings built in 1988, 1985 or upgraded post 1976 from requiring assessment?

Yours sincerely,


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From: Fraser

Dear Karen ,

Also as a bit of additional helpful information the telephone exchange was first built in 1950 not in 1988.

Yours sincerely,


Link to this

From: Karen Patterson
Upper Hutt City Council

Attachment Q 2 Seismic Assessment UH Civic Centre.pdf
220K Download View as HTML

Attachment letter to Fraser 2016.05.17.pdf
301K Download View as HTML

Hi Fraser


Please see attached letter and report in response to your request for
information on the Designated Emergency Operations Centre at 836 Fergusson
Drive, Upper Hutt.


Can you please confirm receipt.


If you have any queries, please give me a call.








Karen Patterson

Registered Legal Executive


Please note my usual hours of work are 8.30am to 3pm

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday


Upper Hutt City Council | 838 – 842 Fergusson Drive, Private Bag 907,
Upper Hutt 5140, New Zealand
D: +64 4 529 0080 |  T: +64 4 527 2169 | E: [email address] |
W: [1] | F: [2]


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Things to do with this request

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