Pay Bands by Gender

J James made this Official Information request to University of Canterbury

The request was successful.

From: J James

Dear University of Canterbury,

I request the following information:

1. The salary range of your highest pay band, and how many men are
in it;
2. The salary range of your second highest pay band, and how many
men are in it;
3. The salary range of your third highest pay band, and how many
men are in it;
4. How many male employees you currently have employed at your

5. The salary range of your highest pay band, and how many women
are in it;
6. The salary range of your second highest pay band, and how many
women are in it;
7. The salary range of your third highest pay band, and how many
women are in it;
8. How many female employees you currently have employed at your

I hope you receive this well and I can get a swift turnaround of
this information.

Could I please get a response upon receiving this, as your institution uses an IP address-based anti-spam service which frequently blacklists the addresses of this service provider.

Yours faithfully,

J James

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