Course feedback

Nighthawk01 made this Official Information request to Waikato Institute of Technology

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

From: Nighthawk01

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to formally request comprehensive feedback and relevant documentation related to the Industrial Control and Measurement course (Wintec IMC) offered by Waikato Institute of Technology from 2020 onwards. This request is made under the Official Information Act 1982. Specifically, I am seeking the following information from 2020 to the present:

Course Feedback: Any feedback provided by students regarding their expectations, experiences, and performance throughout the duration of the course, covering the period from 2020 onward.

Course Reviews and Improvements: Full course reviews for the period from 2020 onward, including any proposed or implemented improvements for subsequent years, as well as reviews from block courses within that timeframe.

Recommendations: Any recommendations or insights provided by students, employers, or guest speakers aimed at enhancing the course content and delivery, gathered from 2020 onward.

Changes to Course Instructions: Details of any modifications or adjustments made by tutors to the course content, structure, or delivery, particularly during the block course sessions, from 2020 onward.

Marking Schedules: Marking schedules, assessment criteria, and grading rubrics for all assessments, both related to block courses and any assessments outside of the block course format, for the period from 2020 onward.

Complaints: Any formal complaints or concerns raised by students, employers, or other stakeholders regarding the course, its content, or its delivery, covering the period from 2020 onward.

Teacher Qualifications: A list of the formal qualifications of the instructors or tutors involved in delivering this course, including any relevant professional qualifications, from 2020 onward.

Additionally, I would like to inquire about the resubmission policy for assessments. While it has been stated that no resubmissions are allowed, I would appreciate clarification on whether this policy has been consistently applied since 2020. Specifically, I am interested in any instances where resubmissions may have been permitted despite this stated policy.

For reference, additional information regarding the course can be found here: Wintec IMC Course Page.

I would appreciate your assistance in providing the requested information for the period from 2020 onward, in accordance with the provisions of the Official Information Act. Should you require any further clarification or wish to discuss this request, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving the requested documents at your earliest convenience.

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