Board appointment

Steve Pembroke made this Official Information request to Todd McClay

Currently waiting for a response from Todd McClay, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Steve Pembroke

Dear Todd McClay,

Please provide me with all information relating to the appointment of Jonathan Young to the Board of the Outdoor Access Commission.

This includes, but is not limited to, communication between you/your office and other ministers, political parties or external stakeholders.

For clarity, I have made a similar request to MPI so you do not need to include any documents that they will be providing (eg formal briefings and their notes from meetings with you). I am solely looking with this request for your communications and information, not that belonging to your department. I am happy for you to coordinate with them to ensure no double ups and that nothing is missed.

Yours faithfully,

Steve Pembroke

Link to this

Things to do with this request

Todd McClay only: